WTF is a Coomer?
My manHave No Idea
But If It's This...
And This...
as soon as he crashes the economy and destroys our infrastructure they'll put him out to pasture and throw the most successful prostitute of all time into office.
Oh don't get me started.They aren’t sending their best . . .
Should have slapped the handcuffs on him and read him his rights the second he lied.Why even bring this ass in. As if someone that funded gain of function isn’t going to lie their ass off.
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Lock people up already!
I'm less than pleased.If I Was Unlucky Enough to Have Him as a Governor I'd Be Pissed He's Giving My Tax Dollars Away
Highly Doubt It is Legal
$14,000 a Week to Drive And No Student Loan Debt - See The Country & Run Liberals Off the Road
"Breaker-Breaker" May Be The New Cat-Daddy Job at $728,000 a Year to Drive a Rig
Hell I May Do It So I Never Have to Hear The Words "What's Your Rate" Ever Again
Keeping It In the Family I'll Be Known as "The @MortgageHorn Express"
I'll Be Hanging With Jack Burton
And Could Visit All of You Deplorables!
Dr. Tour along with Michael Behe, Stephen Meyer, and John Lennox are fantastic!
Dr. Tour
Dr. Behe
Dr. Meyer:
John Lennox:
She has a horrible shoe game. (Her ill fitting, inappropriate, ridiculously overpriced off the rack outfits are just as bad, but I'm focusing on the shoes right now)
Those things look like Minnie Mouse shoes.
She better be on the lookout for houses falling from the sky while she’s wearing those shoes.Jesus Christ, you aren't kidding! I have never seen ladies shoes that wide. Custom made, perhaps? Trans shoes?
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