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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 7, 2021
Things the French do well.




Jan 9, 2021
Most of the models we use have been riding the wave of greed over the past year. Commonsense would’ve said to go to cash one year ago but that would have not worked out too well

And Lord knows if I had had a crystal ball we would’ve gone to cash a year ago. Anyways I think the best advice is to have good companies to be diversified And hopefully have a strategy to get out of the market if things start to turn bad

I have a feeling toward the end of summer our models will start going more and more to cash , Gold and defensive positions. Feel free to shoot me a DM at any time

The stock market average a sustained 20% pullback every roughly 7 years. We have not had one since 2008. So we are overdue. The Fed has printed a ton of money and kept interest rates down artificially for over 10 years
So having said that the market has been propped up by this and by big tech and big pharmaceutical companies. and for the first time in 50 to maybe 100 years the stock market is liberal. LOL but seriously

I think the music stops toward the end of the summer into the fall

greed is King right now and the last time I saw it like this was around 2008

after sleepy Joe gets some of his policies across things will start to get bad. And I have a feeling inflation will kick in. Again I don’t know if that completely answers your question on timing. The market is impossible to time. I do think the longer it runs the harder it will fall. Again shoot me a message anytime and I hope that helps
What is your definition or timeframe for a “sustained” 20% pullback?


Dec 2, 2020
View attachment 17794

Can someone show me in that link where it says anything remotely backing up that headline? I just quickly read 82 pages of mostly redacted documents on the scribd page in that gatewaypundit link. I did not see one word about the motives behind Seth Rich's murder, or anything like that. I am tired, and read quickly, so perhaps I missed it.

This reminds me of 2 things- I am glad that I quit reading the gatewaypundit, and we badly need reform with our government's ability to redact anything they want for any reason... About the only thing not redacted is the statements from members of the Trump campaign which they clearly are trying to frame as if they were behind the dnc hack and subsequent wikileaks release.


Jan 8, 2021
They're simply going to rig that election to keep him in place smh.

thats what ive been telling everybody i know that would listen

unless something is done (i highly doubt it) no election will ever matter after DJT got swindled

rampant blatant obvious election irregularities and nothing to see here gif

alot of chatter regarding election audits but talk is cheap AF

i hope something does transpire out in AZ but currently i feel helpless


Dec 1, 2020
These poison theories are pretty frightening. Potentially turning those who got jabbed into walking bioweapons

Holy moly!! The 20 minute mark has me thinking she is implying 5G! Run from the jab!! SKOL!

2 minutes later and she goes there. 5G and these NANObots in the "HYDROGEL' react to these outside EMF signals whether 5G or 60 ghz wifi. It's atold you so and oh F moment!

This video has me shaking and I didn't take the jab. The other interesting thing from another dr. is that the shit they wrap the nanobot in is called matrix-m. You can't make this shit up. Pretty soon half the population will be IPET goats begging for treats. Menawhile the vaccinated are a threat to the unvaccinated. What a soup sandwich!! SKOL!

One final note as I finish watching this video. these drs are wide ass awake. They call this whole thing a psy-op. They mention FEMA is still in control of this country. They know as we have known. Heck, the old LAC may have helped wake these people up. Crazy video and one worth watching.
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