Sgfeer Legendary Founder Yesterday at 8:47 PM #311,202 We need nervous hospitals back. Swift and Kelsey??
Sgfeer Legendary Founder Yesterday at 9:00 PM #311,205 In one month, get corruption up to the top and watch how nervous the deep state gets
AmericanViking Legendary Founder Today at 12:10 AM #311,216 GarneT&GolD1978 said: At what point are the SWAT teams going to just fucking ignore this bullshit? Click to expand... Right about the time it’s a legit call
GarneT&GolD1978 said: At what point are the SWAT teams going to just fucking ignore this bullshit? Click to expand... Right about the time it’s a legit call
AmericanViking Legendary Founder Today at 12:12 AM #311,217 CurtOFD78 said: Come again? Click to expand... White liberal women
GarneT&GolD1978 Finer Things Club President Founder Today at 12:12 AM #311,218 dirtytoeddawg said: Problem is most jerky/beef sticks are full of preservatives & other trash. Don’t forget to read the labels Click to expand... Good point. Google “People’s Choice beef jerky” Yore whalecum.
dirtytoeddawg said: Problem is most jerky/beef sticks are full of preservatives & other trash. Don’t forget to read the labels Click to expand... Good point. Google “People’s Choice beef jerky” Yore whalecum.