Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Just frustrated...

My wife, who hasn't paid attention to politics in the 26+ years we've been together, is now all into how evil Trump is. I've heard more about "Project 2025" and "people in concentration camps" and "Trump lost 2000 illegal children" and "all government employees (her included) are gonna lose their jobs". We (she) can't go a day without bringing something up.

I know she leans left, even though she's never voted once. And, I'm ok with that, I just don't talk politics. What I'm not ok with is her watching some blue hair on the TikTok and then trying to tell me how bad it's gonna get. Her big one is gay marriage (we have a gay married couple in our family).

I've told her, I lean more libertarian than conservative in the first place. If 2 adults want to do whatever, I could give 2 shits. I've tried to explain that, much like the abortion thing, that marriage is a states' rights issue and Trump can't just "end" gay marriage (or abortion or the myriad of other things States decide for themselves). She also freaked out last night getting that email from OMB regarding her job. I tried explaining that they're more hunting for wasteful/useless people and she will be fine. But, women worry.

Sorry for fagging up the board. Didn't sleep well last night and just bitchy today. Thanks for attending my Ted Talk.
If her main issue is the Gays, does she know Trump has plenty of gay individuals within his team.

Scott Bessent is his treasury secretary.
Rick Grenell is one of his most trusted advisors.
Scott Presler pretty much delivered PA to trump.

But yeah, he’s going to load them up in box cars.

Good luck buddy.
Out of pure curiosity- sounds like you use this for dogs (plural)?

Holy shit bro - I’ve had like 7 dogs in my life and not once did I have to de-worm a single dog.

What the fuck are you feeding your dogs???
I've used it for puppies and when my ol coonhound got lymphoma. I feed my dog 1.5 chicken thighs, 3/4cup kibble, dehydrated carrots and a teaspoon of dynamite.
I take care of any animal I see to my best ability.
What do you feed you dogs?


NGOs and charities are not charities or NGOs if their funding comes from taxpayers.

As citizens of the USA we should be giving money to the charities of OUR choice not the government.

NGOs and charities should not be allowed government funding and raise all money from non-government sources such as individuals or companies.

What a fcuking mess!

If we cut all this wasteful spending several things would happen:

1. Government Spending Would Decrease - Leading to Lower Debt
2. Fewer Taxes Would Need to be Collected
3. All of These "Takers" Would Have to Get Jobs Which Would Lead to More Tax Revenue
4. Those of us "Makers" Would Pay Less In Taxes Subsiding These "Takers"
5. The "Takers" Will Have an "Attitude Adjustment" When They Learn to Pull Their Own Weight

How do these worthless pieces of shit look themselves in the mirror knowing they're entire paycheck is made of the backs of hard-working people.

They need to "Learn to Code" and/or get another real job.

Holy smokes, Trump ain't playing. Federal HR (opm) sent an email this evening fed wide laying out the expectations for federal service. Included was an opportunity to submit a deferred resignation.
To submit resignation you simply have to reply to that email with a single word "resign"
Doesn't get more efficient than that!

I'm currently in my probationary period so want to be kinda careful with what I post, lol. Don't need to give em a reason and they have already compiled a list of all employees in probationary status.
10 pages behind, apologies if already posted.
Link to email contents

I come back from work thinking I'm getting back into the GOAT Thread.

But now find it's the fucking Travel Channel for South Carolina.

Your only redeeming quality is that if you didn't have @Nape there you'd be stuck eating your native shitty-mustard covered pig bar-b-que & cole-slaw at Steve Cook's din

Im offended. I am going to report you to Jack-me-off Smith
If her main issue is the Gays, does she know Trump has plenty of gay individuals within his team.

Scott Bessent is his treasury secretary.
Rick Grenell is one of his most trusted advisors.
Scott Presler pretty much delivered PA to trump.

But yeah, he’s going to load them up in box cars.

Good luck buddy.
I did. The words "token gays" literally fell out of her mouth.
Yup, it’s in my inbox this morning

Here is the email of you’re interested.

During the first week of his administration, President Trump issued a number of directives concerning the federal workforce. Among those directives, the President required that employees return to in-person work, restored accountability for employees who have policy-making authority, restored accountability for senior career executives, and reformed the federal hiring process to focus on merit. As a result of the above orders, the reform of the federal workforce will be significant.

The reformed federal workforce will be built around four pillars:


Return to Office: The substantial majority of federal employees who have been working remotely since Covid will be required to return to their physical offices five days a week. Going forward, we also expect our physical offices to undergo meaningful consolidation and divestitures, potentially resulting in physical office relocations for a number of federal workers.


Performance culture: The federal workforce should be comprised of the best America has to offer. We will insist on excellence at every level — our performance standards will be updated to reward and promote those that exceed expectations and address in a fair and open way those who do not meet the high standards which the taxpayers of this country have a right to demand.


More streamlined and flexible workforce: While a few agencies and even branches of the military are likely to see increases in the size of their workforce, the majority of federal agencies are likely to be downsized through restructurings, realignments, and reductions in force. These actions are likely to include the use of furloughs and the reclassification to at-will status for a substantial number of federal employees.


Enhanced standards of conduct: The federal workforce should be comprised of employees who are reliable, loyal, trustworthy, and who strive for excellence in their daily work. Employees will be subject to enhanced standards of suitability and conduct as we move forward. Employees who engage in unlawful behavior or other misconduct will be prioritized for appropriate investigation and discipline, including termination.

Each of the pillars outlined above will be pursued in accordance with applicable law, consistent with your agency's policies, and to the extent permitted under relevant collective-bargaining agreements.

If you choose to remain in your current position, we thank you for your renewed focus on serving the American people to the best of your abilities and look forward to working together as part of an improved federal workforce. At this time, we cannot give you full assurance regarding the certainty of your position or agency but should your position be eliminated you will be treated with dignity and will be afforded the protections in place for such positions.

If you choose not to continue in your current role in the federal workforce, we thank you for your service to your country and you will be provided with a dignified, fair departure from the federal government utilizing a deferred resignation program. This program begins effective January 28 and is available to all federal employees until February 6. If you resign under this program, you will retain all pay and benefits regardless of your daily workload and will be exempted from all applicable in-person work requirements until September 30, 2025 (or earlier if you choose to accelerate your resignation for any reason). The details of this separation plan can be found below.

Whichever path you choose, we thank you for your service to The United States of America.


Upon review of the below deferred resignation letter, if you wish to resign:


Select “Reply” to this email. You must reply from your government account. A reply from an account other than your government account will not be accepted.


Type the word “Resign” into the body of this reply email. Hit “Send”.


Deferred resignation is available to all full-time federal employees except for military personnel of the armed forces, employees of the U.S. Postal Service, those in positions related to immigration enforcement and national security, and those in any other positions specifically excluded by your employing agency.


January 28, 2025

Please accept this letter as my formal resignation from employment with my employing agency, effective September 30, 2025. I understand that I have the right to accelerate, but not extend, my resignation date if I wish to take advantage of the deferred resignation program. I also understand that if I am (or become) eligible for early or normal retirement before my resignation date, that I retain the right to elect early or normal retirement (once eligible) at any point prior to my resignation date.

Given my impending resignation, I understand I will be exempt from any “Return to Office” requirements pursuant to recent directives and that I will maintain my current compensation and retain all existing benefits (including but not limited to retirement accruals) until my final resignation date.

I am certain of my decision to resign and my choice to resign is fully voluntary. I understand my employing agency will likely make adjustments in response to my resignation including moving, eliminating, consolidating, reassigning my position and tasks, reducing my official duties, and/or placing me on paid administrative leave until my resignation date.

I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition during my remaining time at my employing agency. Accordingly, I will assist my employing agency with completing reasonable and customary tasks and processes to facilitate my departure.

I understand that my acceptance of this offer will be sent to the Office of Personnel Management (“OPM”) which will then share it with my agency employer. I hereby consent to OPM receiving, reviewing, and forwarding my acceptance.


Upon submission of your resignation, you will receive a confirmation email acknowledging receipt of your email. Any replies to this email shall be for the exclusive use of accepting the deferred resignation letter. Any other replies to this email will not be reviewed, forwarded, or retained other than as required by applicable federal records laws.

Once your resignation is validly sent and received, the human resources department of your employing agency will contact you to complete additional documentation, if any.

OPM is authorized to send this email under Executive Order 9830 and 5 U.S.C. §§ 301, 1103, 1104, 2951, 3301, 6504, 8347, and 8461. OPM intends to use your response to assist in federal workforce reorganization efforts in conjunction with employing agencies. See 88 Fed. Reg. 56058; 80 Fed. Reg. 72455 (listing routine uses). Response to this email is voluntary. Although you must respond to take advantage of the deferred resignation offer, there is no penalty for nonresponse

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