If everything we think is about to happen in the next few days..the left will be put on notice. They will have very little power left, at least the corrupted ones.
How many of the corrupt ones will be gone? They really gonna go after DT and fam? With what?
How they gonna do that while sitting In a jail cell at GITMO waiting for their blindfold and cigarette while their assets are frozen and going to the American people?
How many news stations will now belong to the people and under new management once DT takes them from the lefties that helped conspire against him..RE the 2018 EO.
U by chance read that 2018 EO yet?
DT will take EVERYTHING from them. He may let tjem keep their pets, but that's about it.
Yes this means any of the congress peeps that had a hand in the foreign interference yes ALL their assets will be rendered onto Caesar. They will belong to US the people essentially. Their allies will be gone, they will not be in congress anymore of if they miss the treason charge they will be gone soon and have nuthin.
Those 2nd vacation homes on Martha's Vinyard right next to Obamas former home will be taken as well..I say former cause u know Obamas will also be the peoples.
Jack and robo phag from FB? Those will be gone..under new management as well. Their $ gone, any of that $ they have been sending off to Zurich or the Caymens..we gonna bring in some forensic accountants...and get that money back, that $ will go to the people.
News stations? Gone, under new management, cause they helped in the attempted coup.
When the news and stuff gets dropped on these bad folks and what they have been up to?... DT will gain more and more supporters than he has now, millions more will be on his side.
So exactly What the F^ck is the left gonna do if what we think is going to happen happen?
DT will have everything, who's gonna come after him? Pelosi will be gone so will a lot of the other a hole lefties...and a hole backstabbing righties...
And oh yeah..DT will have everything, also the love of the people and the best part, he will give zero f^cks about re- elect cause he won't be going for that..so he doesn't have to pull any punches.
Thr left needs to worry which is why they are freaking out now..DT doesn't.
So I have to ask what in the actual f^ck are u talking about?