Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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There are plenty of cartel members, associates, newly emerged illegal gangs and more here in the US. They won't have to go into Mexico or elsewhere to make an impact.

Castration is the proper punishment.

There needs to be an extensive audit of how so many Congress Critters and others got wildly wealthy in 2-3 years. Anyone who has any federal money found in their possession whose source is anything citizens were told went to Ukraine of any other program. If found, it must be taken away and a tax bill sent for the taxes they would have paid had it been earned income. Then prosecuted and sent to jail.

Policeman in NYC making $400,000? I saw a video recently of a Boston Policeman, on the bottom of the rung as a 30-year veteran patrol officer never promoted, making $192,000/yr. The video said he gets a $20,000 annual increase.

And no ballot drop boxes anywhere. Wonder what they did in Washington about the ballots in the drop boxes that caught on fire?

Georgia had better convict this man and sentence him to death. Then go through with it without 20 years of appeals.

Look at the numbers of new recruits you are NOT getting. It's the stupid adherence to DEI, CRT, LGBQRSTUV..., and the other fringe beliefs which is hurting the military. As well, as generals who believe and promote this shit. All need to be gone. Either straighten up and fly right or get the F out of the way.

WTF is wrong with S Carolinians? You repeatedly elected Gowdy, Scott and Ladybugs and the Senators remain.
Sit back and enjoy “the show”! What you call ‘democracy’ in reality is a usurped US government. Funny how they’ve controlled the minds of the nation using the media. You didn’t think they would tell you their plans did you? ‘Q’ was demonized by the media as a ‘conspiracy’… ever wonder why??? Nobody ever does because Perry Mason solved the crime in one hour... with commercials!

If you really, and I mean REALLY, want to know what’s been going on since 2016… Remember ‘Q’?? ‘Q’ exposed everything which is why they came out so hard against it!! LOL

The reason they went against the idea of ‘Q’, or ‘qanon’ (as the media created entity) is precisely because ‘Q’ posts exposed the deep state. 'Muh democracy' was an illegal entity masquerading as the US government! Yeah, I know, hard to ‘believe’, but trust me, I’ve been all over this from the beginning. Most of course, think it’s BS bunk etc. but the Rule of Law says differently!!

“RattleTrap 1776” in posts above deep dives into what’s been going on better than I ever could.
‘Q’ said “It’s going to be biblical... gonna tear the whole thing down.”

This was a BIG revelation... Never did I think Trey was a deep stater... he posed himself as a no nonsense law and order guy!

I was referring to the legal aspect.
To be clear, I don't want shit from you.......WTF
Wasn't trying to give shit... just been doing this from the gitgo and it seems folks just want the easy spoon-fed narrative w/o digging.

Legal aspect from what I gleaned was what I said about "Muh Democracy" they keep throwing around.

The uniparty is masquerading as the legit government. Somewhere along the way (JFK?) the government was usurped. Trump with the aid of loyal generals is taking back the nation.

Q said: It must be legal. It must have the rule of law (force of?).

The first case was "Does the government have the right to Trump (& family) private documents" et al. It's on the Supreme Court Docket. Think the Mar A Lago raid?

RattleTrap 1776 points out in the second case:
"Now, Laws and Orders outline a Military Occupation which is a Military Government which has a Continuity of Government.​
But for those who have no idea what they’re watching… it’s been painted as a Shadow Government with rogue powers doing as they please."​

Trump (Q) is legally exposing government corruption the media is burying using fake news.
DEVOLUTION is in progress and there is nothing the Deep State actors can do to stop it - unless they assassinate him? Even then I don't think they can stop what's coming because the people have been awakened beginning from 2016.

One would have to be a liberal soy boy to NOT see what the nation has become since. Pizza, pedoville, LBGQXYZ and tranny nut jobs coming out of the woodwork like cockroaches at night.

I'd also like to get to the bottom of Covid and the release of the deadly MRNA shots. The silence on that is deafening as our excess deaths, increased disabilities, and chronic diseases explode. I want justice and the truth. Everyone here knew Covid was a scam and the real threat was the tech in that bullshit shot. Hopefully we get our answers and the justice that follows. Skol!
I'd also like to get to the bottom of Covid and the release of the deadly MRNA shots. The silence on that is deafening as our excess deaths, increased disabilities, and chronic diseases explode. I want justice and the truth. Everyone here knew Covid was a scam and the real threat was the tech in that bullshit shot. Hopefully we get our answers and the justice that follows. Skol!
The MBAs that run medical facilities and holding companies need to be held accountable for forcing these Death Jabs on patients and employees through the MDs, RNs, PAs. They took the money and likely didn't get any jabs.

Still haven't seen or heard of one politician, Big Pharma company executive, other company executive, senior govt worker or anyone who pushed these jabs dying or having serious medical issues. Of course not, they exempted themselves. All money received from promoting this death sentence should be confiscated.

Edit: They should be forced to take the jab, too.

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