Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
If I have a coke that is the one I drink. Pure cane sugar. No high fructose corn syrup( which should be banned) and glass bottle. Hecho en Mexico! Haha. What a joke. Skol!
Sadly, the regulatory system that controls body inflammation sees no difference in cane sugar, HFCS, or any highly refined carbohydrate (breads, pastas, etc). Sugar is sugar and when in a form where so much of it floods the body at once (e.g Soda), it overloads the ability of the pancreas to process it into usable energy, goes to fat reserves, and inflames all tissues. Glass bottle is good tho!

FWIW, I use Coke Zero to clean the wheels on my truck. Works like a charm. Literally eats brake dust, grime, and grease better than soap. Hope this helps.
Sadly, the regulatory system that controls body inflammation sees no difference in cane sugar, HFCS, or any highly refined carbohydrate (breads, pastas, etc). Sugar is sugar and when in a form where so much of it floods the body at once (e.g Soda), it overloads the ability of the pancreas to process it into usable energy, goes to fat reserves, and inflames all tissues. Glass bottle is good tho!

FWIW, I use Coke Zero to clean the wheels on my truck. Works like a charm. Literally eats brake dust, grime, and grease better than soap. Hope this helps.
Some things u need to truly avoid, most just need moderation
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Not sure I'm in favor of this one

^^after the car incident a few days ago, China imploding as their economy falters? ^^
For all the snacks, if they can be made by changing or removing perceived toxic ingredients, and not alter the taste or texture, that would be the first start. I'm not in favor of gov't issuing edicts that results in new products hidden behind old packaging.

Diet Pepsi without unnecessary ingredients. He brought up cereals in the US where we have 18 ingredients and in Canada and other countries there inly 3 to 4. We've been poisoned. I would bet Pepsi with pure cane sugar and no bs additives is healthier for ypu then diet Pepsi. But that is just a guess. Skol!
The opposite is also true. Oats in the US are not allowed to be sprayed with a product alleged to be harmful. The purpose of the chemical is to make the stalks of the plant stand taller for higher yields. Unfortunately, the US imports about 65% of oats from countries that allow spraying thus defeating the purpose of the law. Money talks, however.
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You've never seen this attitude in previous GOP admins. The other admins were swamp denizens and had pre-approval from Congress on almost all appointees. They would never ferret out the misdeeds of their deep state colleagues.

$85 billion is in Afghanistan and another sizeable amount was left in Chad,

Can't afford multi-million dollar salaries on the pitiful ad revenue from that small audience. Likely not that many people watching. TVs just on those channels.
Not sure if this is a good idea. The military industrial complex is laying the groundwork for future infrastructure work, but otoh we can experiment with this technology in someone else’s backyard before deploying in AI data centers.

Anything profound in the thread? For those that don't have X, we cannot see besides the one you posted.

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