On a flight next to a large black lady who is crying and texting this some thing with all her friends.
One program I saw today had Jamie Dimon possibly as Treasury Secretary. Ugh! They suggested another Wall Street billionaire too.I'd like to see some predictions for Trump's cabinet, AG, majority leader, other key positions.
Nope. The everyday individual? Sure. Fine. But they better bend the knee quickly and be open to learning and deprogramming from their lifetime of brainwash.
But the leaders? Hang them. Prepare to be fucked by the long dick of the American People. Release the JFK files.
Clean up the FDA etc.
Fix the immigration issues.
Remind the world who their daddy is on a global stage.
Anthony Fauci needs to pay.
The congressional inside traders need to pay.
Hollywood needs to be destroyed.
Get rid of the networks.
The system needs to be control burned and rebuilt by the dream team of builders (Musk et al) on the 2024 ticket.
The corruption must be rooted out and destroyed. If not, 4 years from now will be worse.
They must be held accountable. Publicly.
But either get on board or step aside and when/if you choose to step aside, shut your fucking mouth and let the grown ups handle this.
They stole 2020 and I'm not over it. People must pay the price.
Not sure she is Vegas invite material.Tell her to subscribe to The Free Speech Forum
I woke up this morning with wood. The maddon went to bed earlier met her in bathroom with wood and said can you guess who won?WHAT A GREAT DAY!! I CANT UN-ERECT MY COCK!!!
100 fucking %Maricopa said they need 10 to 13 days to count. They all need arrested like now.
I will be honest. As much as I pray and meditate I know the past 4 plus years have taken some years off me. But it will be all worth it if I see my kids and their kids future secure. We still got work to do but I feel like a cloud has lifted this morning. Skol brothers !Good morning, beautiful people! Quick personal side story here. I check my BP multiple times a day. I'm neurotic about it. The past 72-96 hours it's been tracking 135-140/90-95 and I've been concerned. I eat right. I exercise every day. It was just out of whack.
This morning I woke up and checked it: 111/74. After staying up until 3am hammering Tito's.
God is good! God bless all of you fine patriots! We are on the road to recovery and it feels good man!
"It ain't over til it's over" Yogi BerraGood Morning Gentlemen -
Just wanted to say it's been an honor and pleasure to have been a part of this eight-year journey with you.
We did it.
"May the Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace."
If you haven't already give thanks to The Lord today as he through the Holy Spirit made this possible.
After that, there is no time to rest. The real work for President Trump & his Team of Avengers is only beginning.
We need to continue to pray for them, their decisions, and their safety - each and every day.
God Bless You All
This photo reminds me of our brotherhood.
Can't wait to meet everyone.
I never left in spirit.My boy @BamaRidger is back! The band is back! LFG!