Nope. The everyday individual? Sure. Fine. But they better bend the knee quickly and be open to learning and deprogramming from their lifetime of brainwash.
But the leaders? Hang them. Prepare to be fucked by the long dick of the American People. Release the JFK files.
Clean up the FDA etc.
Fix the immigration issues.
Remind the world who their daddy is on a global stage.
Anthony Fauci needs to pay.
The congressional inside traders need to pay.
Hollywood needs to be destroyed.
Get rid of the networks.
The system needs to be control burned and rebuilt by the dream team of builders (Musk et al) on the 2024 ticket.
The corruption must be rooted out and destroyed. If not, 4 years from now will be worse.
They must be held accountable. Publicly.
But either get on board or step aside and when/if you choose to step aside, shut your fucking mouth and let the grown ups handle this.
They stole 2020 and I'm not over it. People must pay the price.