I already voted for him, man! No need to campaign anymore!
I never left in spirit.
On Sept 7, I lost my best friend and wife of 55 years. I know she is with God because she was a saint, the best wife and person any man could ask for.
My heart is broken into a million pieces, but with Trump's victory and knowing people like the people on this board and the journey we have been on, my heart is singing with joy.
God Bless you all, and God Bless the United States of America........
God bless you @BamaRidgerI never left in spirit.
On Sept 7, I lost my best friend and wife of 55 years. I know she is with God because she was a saint, the best wife and person any man could ask for.
My heart is broken into a million pieces, but with Trump's victory and knowing people like the people on this board and the journey we have been on, my heart is singing with joy.
God Bless you all, and God Bless the United States of America........
I'm still puzzled how 300K+ of my fellow Kansans voted for the dumb cnt.Rural America keeps this country from flying off to crazy town and consuming itself with progressive nonsense.
I never left in spirit.
On Sept 7, I lost my best friend and wife of 55 years. I know she is with God because she was a saint, the best wife and person any man could ask for.
My heart is broken into a million pieces, but with Trump's victory and knowing people like the people on this board and the journey we have been on, my heart is singing with joy.
God Bless you all, and God Bless the United States of America........
There's lots of stuff that can be done on Day 1. How about, maybe not Day 1, bringing our military home from the hundreds of bases around the world...and bring back the equipment this time.I hope one of the first things Trump does is cut off ALL the financial aid, freebies, hand outs, wellfare, medicare, food stamps, rent assistance & cell phones of all the illegals. Next, turn off the CBP1 app & stop all the migrant flights coming in
Citizen Free Press on GETTR : Canadian TV is really sad tonight http://citizenfreepress.com/
Canadian TV is really sad tonight http://citizenfreepress.com/gettr.com
PUCK NEWS on Kamala's young voter "disaster": "Biden won 18-29 year olds by a massive 25-point margin. Harris won them by only 13 points. Put bluntly, her performance among young voters was an abject disaster for Democrats and a troubling omen for the party’s political future...Meanwhile, Donald Trump won young men by 10 points, flipping them from Biden."
^^All those "celebs" really helped with the youts
Agree, fuck them. We’ve been suppressed, oppressed, vilified, scourged, whipped, brutalized, and all the things for 8 years. Now is the time to cleanse your life of these people, fuck everyone of them.Tried that for the last 4 years, didn't work. FK em.
Preach!!!100 fucking %
This has to stop and people need to go to jail. My state Florida, the 3rd largest state in country was wrapped up for dinner. No excuses.
And if these other swing states clean up the corruption, I think you will see similar results Florida is seeing now (13 point victories).
Think about that, they wanted people to think Florida was a swing, 13 points. Great job by Desantis to clean up the BS. And to think he almost lost. It’s crazy how corrupt these big cities are in every state.
Hey man. Can you give us an update on your daughter?Long night Patriots. Youngest was taken in Ambulance to the hospital. She’s rebounding and resilient. Shes currently getting a CT scan with mom and I’m hanging out with my four year old in the room.
My man!
God bless you, sir! You will be in my prayers and I am sure that your wife is in a better place and you will see her again one dayI never left in spirit.
On Sept 7, I lost my best friend and wife of 55 years. I know she is with God because she was a saint, the best wife and person any man could ask for.
My heart is broken into a million pieces, but with Trump's victory and knowing people like the people on this board and the journey we have been on, my heart is singing with joy.
God Bless you all, and God Bless the United States of America........
81m - 66m. Where did the 15M Biden votes go?
Wrong question, where and who did they come fromWhere did the 15M Biden votes go?
They had the perfect storm with the fake bubonic plague called Covid and all the bullshit going on in 2020. They caught Trump and a lot of us off guard and stole it in the middle of the night.Where did the 15M Biden votes go?
Hey man. Can you give us an update on your daughter?
They went away when all the ballots and other records mandated to remain for inspection, were mysteriously lost, destroyed or otherwise unavailable.Where did the 15M Biden votes go?
Nope. The everyday individual? Sure. Fine. But they better bend the knee quickly and be open to learning and deprogramming from their lifetime of brainwash.
But the leaders? Hang them. Prepare to be fucked by the long dick of the American People. Release the JFK files.
Clean up the FDA etc.
Fix the immigration issues.
Remind the world who their daddy is on a global stage.
Anthony Fauci needs to pay.
The congressional inside traders need to pay.
Hollywood needs to be destroyed.
Get rid of the networks.
The system needs to be control burned and rebuilt by the dream team of builders (Musk et al) on the 2024 ticket.
The corruption must be rooted out and destroyed. If not, 4 years from now will be worse.
They must be held accountable. Publicly.
But either get on board or step aside and when/if you choose to step aside, shut your fucking mouth and let the grown ups handle this.
They stole 2020 and I'm not over it. People must pay the price.
Means the express lane for death penalty cases just reopened.What's this mean?
Sorry my friend. Life never seems to get easierI never left in spirit.
On Sept 7, I lost my best friend and wife of 55 years. I know she is with God because she was a saint, the best wife and person any man could ask for.
My heart is broken into a million pieces, but with Trump's victory and knowing people like the people on this board and the journey we have been on, my heart is singing with joy.
God Bless you all, and God Bless the United States of America........
So sorry Bama, I could not fathom losing mine, prayers Brother.I never left in spirit.
On Sept 7, I lost my best friend and wife of 55 years. I know she is with God because she was a saint, the best wife and person any man could ask for.
My heart is broken into a million pieces, but with Trump's victory and knowing people like the people on this board and the journey we have been on, my heart is singing with joy.
God Bless you all, and God Bless the United States of America........
The criminal courts had been held by all GOP judges but several wouldn't let Paxton unilaterally go after voter fraud. Paxton vowed to go after them. Three GOP judges who ruled against Paxton were defeated in the primary. Their replacements all won election last night.What's this mean?
I never left in spirit.
On Sept 7, I lost my best friend and wife of 55 years. I know she is with God because she was a saint, the best wife and person any man could ask for.
My heart is broken into a million pieces, but with Trump's victory and knowing people like the people on this board and the journey we have been on, my heart is singing with joy.
God Bless you all, and God Bless the United States of America........
Brother I hear you. I am living right in the middle of Satan’s den in Manhattan. BLM shot fireworks at my windows one night. Palestine marches have literally gone down my block to the UN. The fucking Roosevelt Hotel is full of illegals 5 blocks from me. Looters have shut down 3 nearby pharmacies. They tried to vaxx me out of a job, embarrass my kids at school for not being vaxxed. My daughter had to go to a WeWork during her high school lunch periods in the dead of winter because restaurants wouldn’t let her in without a card and she didn’t want to be embarrassed. She took a gap year in college to stay unvaxxed. My other, a competitive ballerina, took remote classes in our house for a year, losing precious floor time, because NYC went after her school for letting unvaxxed kids in. She made it into a performing arts high school despite this. My company tried to vaxx me because of Biden’s vaxx mandate but I escaped that through strong relationships. My Mom died two weeks after getting the vaxx.
I have done everything in my power to keep my family safe, short of leaving NYC, which we otherwise still inexplicably love. This 4 years has hardened my resolve beyond anything imaginable. My kids are level headed and my eldest is probably a future resistance fighter. My wife finally became a citizen during the pandemic to help save the republic. I hope we see a reckoning and that every single one of these motherfuckers is prosecuted and that the cameras fail at gitmo. Skol forever!
@BamaRidger prayers to you and your family.
God Bless you. No words or deeds can express how badly I miss her.I lost my wife also of 34 yrs
Don’t be sad for her because she’s home now, where she belongs, in paradise
No more pain no more fear no more hunger
She’ll look down upon u and guide u with her spirit
I’ll pray for a comfortable bereavement
Be safe bama ur in my thoughts