Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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This is also true in Houston. I was surprised to see Trump signs everywhere in West U when I was there last week.

Interesting. When I lived in Austin, a co-worker worked part-time for a respectable polling company. This was during the Mark White-D/Bill Clements-R race for Governor 45+ years ago. Texas had had a Dem Gov for over 100 years. My friend said their polling showed White would win handily. I had been to Houston over the weekend and saw all the Clements signs everywhere in Houston, Dallas and other places I had gone. I told my friend that Clements would win. He said no. I see similar today although the polling was more accurate and respectable then. I feel polls today simply go back to the same people who responded previously as they know how those people will respond on most issues. Plus it's cheaper to poll those polled previously.

Just Saying! Kamala was just asked how she voted on California's Proposition 36, which would increase criminal penalties for shoplifters and drug traffickers: "I am not gonna talk about the vote on that because, honestly, it's the Sunday before the election." Well her hesitation tells everyone that she’s onboard with protecting the criminal element saying F**K the American business owners and the innocent lives taken

^^Good, so they'll run her again^^




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