Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Lara Logan is a credible journalist. I don’t think she’d go posting something that she did not have strong intel on. IF Trump’s plane does get shot down that will likely be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
Sky event?

Compare theories:

1. Iran sent a team of assassins to kill Trump and trigger a war that would (definitely) end with the death of every leader in Iran as well as turning Tehran into a wasteland.


2. The Blob sees an opportunity for a twofer. Take out Trump with a false flag attack and create justification for war with Iran. We'll never know who fired the missile.

The first theory is stupid at a level I can barely hold in my head. The second theory is entirely plausible based on American history.

Saw Bolton on piers Morgan and this sounds like the plan. Bolton couldn't help but let his hate for Trump come out but was more than willing to invade Iran for trying to do what he and the dems have tried to do for years.
Saw where Gen Mcchrystal endorsed Kamala. How does this guy have so many admirers in the military? His reasoning sounded like a soph college female explaining why she's voting for "joy". WW3 seems like the kind of thing a true warrior would want to avoid.
Another loser of a General, pretty much f'd up Afghanistan. They know they lose any gravitas they think they have when Trump wins. They will still have their MSNBC gigs to whine
One more nugget, I asked Kirby what his goals were for the game. He said he had only one goall and that is for DeBoer to make a crying phone call first thing Monday morning to the President of the University of Washington begging for his job back after the whipping the Dawgs are going to put on the Tide!!!!

Trump will be rolling with the Tide after Georgia went full blue in 2020.

Terrible state with a cuck governor and football team
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