Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

^^need this for the leftists protests^^

It occurs to me that the United States congress votes a yearly budget and ignores it. And then they go over the budget and demand more. The bizarre reaction is that of the tax payers, the voters.

The party in power of the congress sets the budget and overspends. The party in power then says we need more money and we cant get more money because the “other party” doesn’t want to approve. Therefore the “other party” is the problem. How do voters/tax payers fall for this year after year? But, again and again this tactic is successful to give more money/budget to the congress that didn’t meet the last budget. It is exactly like giving more money to someone with a spending problem.

Again and again.

Year after year.
It’s much worse than that. They don’t even align on a budget any longer- they just continue with the “continuing resolution”
Current view down my street & down my driveway
View attachment 222920
View attachment 222921
Since this am all of us in the hood have cleared everyone’s driveway and the street to both ends of connecting main roads. Nothing a few chainsaws & tractors couldn’t do. Plus bolt cutters for the downed lines. It’s still a wreck & expecting power out for at least a week but we can get in & out now
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