Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Good luck. We are supposed to get one band here in the next hour or so but managed to dodge the worst of it. I feel for those people up in Perry and cross city. They are about to get nailed and it’s going to be a tough spot for a quick recovery.
Not looking good for me and @jdgnole here in cherokee county. Good news is that I'm in the middle of having a massive retaining wall built and my yard is now trash anyway. Hopefully we don't lose any trees
T minus 3-4 hrs and I will be seeing 100 mph winds. Not looking forward to it

At all

According to a source who was on a Harris-Walz campaign training call attended by veteran campaign strategist James Carville, Carville went absolutely BALLISTIC yelling expletives at two young Democrat staffers, including @0liviajulianna who works for the Collin Allred Senate campaign.

The fiery barrage of insults included “dumb fat b*tch” directed at Julianna, and “out of touch fag*ots” began when the young staffers presented Carville with some social media videos they’ve been working on to appeal to White male voters. Carville was not impressed by any of them, saying they lacked substance.

When a visibly shaken gay male staffer told Carville he needed to apologize for using the F word, Carville told him to take his camo hat and shove it up his ass before leaving the call.

The joy is gone.

It occurs to me that the United States congress votes a yearly budget and ignores it. And then they go over the budget and demand more. The bizarre reaction is that of the tax payers, the voters.

The party in power of the congress sets the budget and overspends. The party in power then says we need more money and we cant get more money because the “other party” doesn’t want to approve. Therefore the “other party” is the problem. How do voters/tax payers fall for this year after year? But, again and again this tactic is successful to give more money/budget to the congress that didn’t meet the last budget. It is exactly like giving more money to someone with a spending problem.

Again and again.

Year after year.
You’re telling me out of the 8M people that live in #NYC this is the best they have… the disgraced Governor and COVID lockdown nursing home murderer? Would not be shocked


^^That went south for Kamala not long ago when a poll of Teamster members showed that she came in third in the preference race among the working-class guys who drive things for a living, right behind Trump and herpes.^^



I'm noticing delays in prescription refills, ordering tests, scheduling tests, 3-4 month delays in paying travel pay and more. They have been raiding the money Congress gave to the VA and sending it to Ukraine or paying illegals.
My involvement in social media started in july of 2022, when I hurt my back. It is Sept 2024, and I am on the mend again, after another episode in november of 23, and still have not went to the VA.

I have no insurance.

Many ask we, "why not go to the VA"

They just dont get it.

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