Anyone believe Joe is there
Joe Biden is scheduled to meet with his national security team in the Situation Room later on Monday amid heightened tensions between Iran and Israel.
The Islamic Republic could attack Israel in the next 24 to 48 hours following a major attack by Hezbollah that left two IDF soldiers injured, top western diplomats have warned.
Experts with backgrounds in oil and gas say media groups are demonizing the industry as inherently deceptive and encouraging reporters to exclude the industry's perspectives from any reporting on climate and energy.
As we watch our 401Ks and portfolios get pancaked like Kamala Harris in Willie Brown's hotel room, and as we watch an Iran unleashed do more damage than Kamala Harris' husband in the nanny pool, understand that prior to Covid we were economically soaring and Iran had been so marginalized the Saudis and Israelis were talking peace. At this point, if you're on here posting more about the Trump-Kemp urination match than your own financial/national security, you are guilty of the same childish behavior and refusal to stay on point you often accuse Trump of