Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
I may have already said this but I can't help it.

'Kind and nice' without the empathy and respect are what is toxic positivity. They require everyone else to be reduced to their own pathetic level of smooth brained existence. They use blame shifting as a manipulation and form of control to attempt to force others into their emotionally immature black and white thinking. Anything that simply disagrees with their self absorbed viewpoint, they view as a full negative attack, following which they will display defensiveness or aggression - they will never apologise and are incapable of understanding when they are wrong. Where they can, they will exert social control, as per the gender debates, to attempt to legally silence any opposition to their stupid views.

Why my brain won't stop today 😭😭😭😭😭
Way behind but wanted to post some info -

I've been getting reports from lots of my friends in the mortgage business - every C-Suite in the industry is worried as the usual "Summer Sweepstakes" of activity where the majority of revenue is produced from starting in late March/Early April until late August/Mid September is not happening.

Remember that housing is a huge driver of the economy for every $ spent there is a 5X multiplier effect. And if people aren't buying those homes it shows up in mortgage origination numbers.

What I'm telling you most ITT already know - don't believe this admin's and the MSM hype that the economy is robust.

It takes a little bit for the above to work its' way thru the economy, though in my opinion layoffs are coming.

When homes don't sell people build less so the trades electricians/plumbers/etc then they have layoffs those people are not going out to eat/downsizing/not making purchases and that leads to restaurant/hotel layoffs which lead to accounting firm layoffs etc.

Home prices are being reduced in many markets, office buildings and now multi-family apartments are going into foreclosure even in places like Dallas.

Insurance cost are about to devastate Florida/Texas/California.

Hopefully I'm wrong though I think the balloon is about to pop, if not at least a huge correction.

The Fed is stuck if they go back to QE then inflation spikes. To solve that they have to raise rates and then refi all that short-term (less than 4 years) government debt at much higher rates - this will effect as it already has commercial real estate. It that crashes it will carryover to residential.

I've said it before that biggest mistake made in our lives was the 2008 financial crisis and creating the term Too Big Too Fail - that was bullshit they should have let the chips fall and the business cycle do it's normal thing.

That was followed up by a Trillion Dollar travesty of bullshit by Obama.

Remember "Cash for Clunkers" and how that brought forward all the car purchases into a shortened time frame - basically robbing future sales to sell today.

That's what we've done with stupidly low rates that went on way too long in the mortgage world.

We robbed future normal sales and piled it all into a 2 year buying spree. Because of a fake pandemic.

All those 2-3% rates are now going to be painfully felt.

Nothing is "free" you eventually have to pay the piper.

We have fucked ourselves royally.

BTW I feel the same thing for the stock market low rates created a lot of paper wealth. You have had literally 4-5 companies driving this thing higher. And those seem to be rolling over the last few days.

Unfortunately the only way out is for the government to inflate away their debt because none of those greedy-fucking pigs have the balls to cut spending.


Rant Over

I’m in the bedding business and I echo all that you said regarding housing. We are in a bedding recession for sure as business is way off in all markets.

Dan Bongino stated that Senator Ron Johnson has a list of 13 or 14 United States Secret Service agents that they are trying to interview! The Management at USSS is trying to slow walk these individuals! Why? Because they have all the knowledge of the malfeasance and political games that were played by the United States Secret Service management! I believe crimes have been committed! this cover-up will not be successful, this isn’t a baggie full of cocaine, that magically had no prints!

From Lara Logan
Every Trump voter needs to ask themselves the very serious question - who is Trump’s greatest enemy? Who wants him dead more than anyone? And when answering that question, consider this: it may be his own side. The DNC/Dems/radical progressives/global cult may have cheated & staged Jan 6 & may be running the information war but they only get away with it because their allies in the Republican establishment fear/hate Trump just as much.
Wow... Judge Cannon now assigned election case against Mayorkas

Hopefully she rules illegals cannot vote and drop boxes are illegal.

While the MSM and Rig Tech are in full spin mode for KAHmullah, it's not sustainable...she is what we all know she is and only more people will realize that. This will end up being a giant "Show the people" before it's all over.
It's a coordinated distraction to have everyone focus on the presidential race while they steal the Congressional, state and local races.

Kansas suing Pfizer will be met with "we have immunity" defenses. However, as @Jayhox has said, "Ffaud vitiates everything". Misleading statements are fraudulent statements.
See the back of his shirt? His hair color is much lighter. Wears glasses. Little chin hair.

Compare it to these photos. No glasses. More chin hair. Darker shirt despite blood.

Only thing the same is the pictures of the bloody head.

Compare this photo to the two above.

Lots of chicanery going on.
Public schools and curriculum based learning are just useless.

As I found out, just training speech and language allows you to understand anything in words.

Then also maths, molecule stuff in science, computer programming if you can learn it and whatever else - my aspie brain can only manage words based learning though, zero IQ in all other things :(

Just a couple of months of speech therapy and I learned beyond anything I ever did in English classes.

Get the books for 5+ year olds on 'how to be assertive' and 'how to be a social butterfly' for your kids, best skills to learn for anyone. Help them learn how to have and hold conversations.



I’m in the bedding business and I echo all that you said regarding housing. We are in a bedding recession for sure as business is way off in all markets.
With the cost of necessities rising, like food, utilities, gas, etc, the average family doesn't have extra money to purchase 'wants'. Most people are going through their savings now or building up credit card debt to fill the gap just to meet their needs. I don't see this ending anytime soon either.
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