Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Listened to Baris the other day on a long podcast. He's saying Harris only has a small bump and Trump is still up in all but one of the swing states and 2 have gotten closer. They are pushing this to try to fortify the steal. I think they've decided to just go for it despite how bad she is and if they convince people it was close enough for her to win they'll steal it.

I watch this show every once in a while. First time seeing this guy on there but he is nailing it in my opinion. Spending is going up to keep the economy propped up and inflation is going to increase to keep assets propped up. The poor are going to get crushed and the middle class will soon become poor.
Just talked with a buddy in Charleston and they have about a 6 week inventory and at the beach we are at about 4 months.
This all goes away when boomers stop being greedy as fuck and stop trying to net a 5 bazillion percent profit on their shit. Prove me wrong.

Price shit in the universe where people can actually fucking buy it. Make yourself a decent profit. Move on. But no - they want to sell a house they paid $100K for in 1990 for $1.7M.

This “market” can eat a fucking dick. I’m happy to see the fall from grace. and I could give 2 shits about the “industry” and the secondary impacts. Those sub-tier enablers are to blame too. Nobody should make 3% on a $700K deal. Flat rate that shit. But no, they won’t. Because they’re just as greedy as the old fucking boomer or the dead boomer’s kids…

Market gonna market tho. Pop your popcorn.
This all goes away when boomers stop being greedy as fuck and stop trying to net a 5 bazillion percent profit on their shit. Prove me wrong.

Price shit in the universe where people can actually fucking buy it. Make yourself a decent profit. Move on. But no - they want to sell a house they paid $100K for in 1990 for $1.7M.

This “market” can eat a fucking dick. I’m happy to see the fall from grace. and I could give 2 shits about the “industry” and the secondary impacts. Those sub-tier enablers are to blame too. Nobody should make 3% on a $700K deal. Flat rate that shit. But no, they won’t. Because they’re just as greedy as the old fucking boomer or the dead boomer’s kids…

Market gonna market tho. Pop your popcorn.
There are many reasons for the market and people selling for asking price is not one. The same people you speak if bought that house at less income. I agree housing is out of control, but blame the assholes that are letting Blackrock and vanguard but up 50% of the market.

As a lender I have seen some shady shit in the last 20 years. What's going on now takes the cake and "boomers" have nothing to do with it.

This is another attempt from media/influencers to play you. Who the hell do you think paid the most into ss and all these other bullshit taxes? That same boomer selling their home for fair market value. When you take a voluntary 30% wage cut for the good of the cause we can can continue the conversation
There are many reasons for the market and people selling for asking price is not one. The same people you speak if bought that house at less income. I agree housing is out of control, but blame the assholes that are letting Blackrock and vanguard but up 50% of the market.

As a lender I have seen some shady shit in the last 20 years. What's going on now takes the cake and "boomers" have nothing to do with it.

This is another attempt from media/influencers to play you. Who the hell do you think paid the most into ss and all these other bullshit taxes? That same boomer selling their home for fair market value. When you take a voluntary 30% wage cut for the good of the cause we can can continue the conversation
I’ll be the first to admit I had a privileged childhood because of how good my boomer parents had it in the primes of their careers… Becoming a non-boomer adult tho was a sobering journey.

I’ll use my parents as an example. Both born between 1945-1949. Both college educated. Both worked around 30 years and retired in their 50s. Before he passed, my dad had a pension that paid him over $100K per year. My mom has a pension that pays her over $125K a year and she’s collecting social security and Medicare.

I have no idea what their income was when they worked, but they paid $50K for their house in 1980. We had a new car every 2 years staggered (4 years per parent) for my entire childhood. My mom has “gifted” her every-4-year-car to some grandchild for the last 20 years or so.

We went on vacations to Disney world or on a cruise or on some ridiculous national journey EVERY year during our childhood.

All of my siblings and myself had our college room and board paid for by our parents. Some of us had scholarships some didn’t. The ones who didn’t had tuition covered by Mom and Dad.

My mom would get Christmas bonuses every year to the tune of $10-30K her entire career. This is in the late 80s and 90s. Think about how much shit $30K buys back then. Every fucking year she’d get something around this amount.

They paid for 4 fucking weddings. Just wrote a check like it was nothing. Cash in the bank. No financing.

They did all this shit and still were able to retire in THEIR FIFTIES… LULZ…

Growing up in the 80s was an amazing time if you had college-educated parents with good careers. My dad was an Army Officer and later a Civil Servant and my mom was a CPA. Nothing fancy - typical middle class career choices.

I’d argue this was the norm (or at least close to the norm) for two middle class working parents in the 80s and 90s. I had friends who had worse situations and I had friends who we all thought were from rich families. Most middle class folks in my generation don’t get to do that stuff for their kids or for themselves. It’s fucking brutal just trying to invest money for retirement, much less take a vacation every few years. There’s no fucking way I can just “cover” the college tuition of my kid, and I damn sure can’t afford my own house if I had to buy it again now at this point. I’m guessing I make more money per year than both my parents ever did, but adjusted for inflation I’d argue I make about the same as they did - only I can’t afford all the shit they could afford… and FWIW, I’ve been paying into social security for over 25 years! Will I even see that money?

Now those same people, if they’re alive, won’t move out of their fucking houses for less than a 1000% profit on what they paid - meanwhile they’re still enjoying some pension (that doesn’t exist for current workers) and have been enjoying it for 2-3 decades sitting on their asses…

I love my boomer parents and friends, but I respectfully disagree that they aren’t the problem. I’ll agree they’re not the entire problem…

Despite making less income than current workers, Boomers had orders of magnitude more spending power than we have and that’s not even debatable. And younger generations not only don’t have that spending power but are now having to deal with those same mother fuckers trying to become millionaires on a single real estate transaction.

The ancillary argument about spending power biases my POV and maybe I’m pulling a thin line to connect that with the whacky status quo real estate market, I’ll admit that - but I still don’t think I’m wrong about boomers and their real estate mentality. Nobody after them will ever net the profits they are currently netting. Nobody. And what makes it so frustrating is that it’s all so unnecessary. It’s just pure greed. It’s fucked.
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^^play Misty for me^^

^^alphabet/Climate change/BLM is all a grift^^
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