Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
I 1,000% understand any skepticism for these go fund me’s. But I’ve been around from the start and I think most of you know I’m not a scammer. You all did help my cousin Leah with cancer years ago and she’s still alive. Her husband had an affair on her during cancer treatment though. Sorry ass.

My cousin Desiree’s daughter Jeannette was at a friend’s house on the 4th. Her friend’s dad was drunk and out of negligence (trying to make the bonfire bigger) doused her in gasoline and lit her on fire.

None of the adults intervened to help her. Her sister and sister’s friend were the ones to put her out. Afterwards the dad told her to “rub some dirt on it” and went inside.

They locked the doors and turned the lights out. They also refused to call an ambulance. It was on the Rez so there was no option to call anyone but tribal police who let him leave.

My cousin (Desiree) had to drive out to get her to the hospital. Now they have to find a way to live in Denver during treatment. If you click the link you can get those details.

Turns out the dad is Mexican and not Native which is good news, because it means he can be prosecuted. There is a detective pursuing the case. I hope he gets tribal justice TBH.

Just donated… but Holy Shit this is terrible. Hope she recovers and justice is served on these horrible humans.
Wait till they put a gun in its' hand! Skol!
All is not well in UT land of Austin.

Rumors of having an affair with a Jr UT student and wife caught him. Bev Kearney and Major Applewhite forced to resign for the same reason. Will Sark make it opening day?

Hope that strange was worth it. I was pulling for him to keep it together. Not that I am a Longhorn fan or a Sark fan but more a fan of comebacks. We now have a leader of young men who has shown a pattern of bad decisions. Not a leader at all.
I 1,000% understand any skepticism for these go fund me’s. But I’ve been around from the start and I think most of you know I’m not a scammer. You all did help my cousin Leah with cancer years ago and she’s still alive. Her husband had an affair on her during cancer treatment though. Sorry ass.

My cousin Desiree’s daughter Jeannette was at a friend’s house on the 4th. Her friend’s dad was drunk and out of negligence (trying to make the bonfire bigger) doused her in gasoline and lit her on fire.

None of the adults intervened to help her. Her sister and sister’s friend were the ones to put her out. Afterwards the dad told her to “rub some dirt on it” and went inside.

They locked the doors and turned the lights out. They also refused to call an ambulance. It was on the Rez so there was no option to call anyone but tribal police who let him leave.

My cousin (Desiree) had to drive out to get her to the hospital. Now they have to find a way to live in Denver during treatment. If you click the link you can get those details.

Turns out the dad is Mexican and not Native which is good news, because it means he can be prosecuted. There is a detective pursuing the case. I hope he gets tribal justice TBH.

Holy hell! 🤬
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