Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Hildebitch is making noise. The dems will get their wish by having the first black woman presidential candidate, either Cameltoe or Hillary. Remember, Bill was regarded as the first black president thus making Hilly the first black female presidential candidate. As a consolation prize, they'll let Cameltoe fellate as many delegates as she wants at the convention.
how did you phrase that question to Ai?
(Regarding this forum) It can be explained as a place to also thicken ones skin and learn conversational defences.

Just discussing the issue of free speech forums and such always getting banned and whatnot, how hate speech rules stifle genuine discussion etc.

Nothing at all my aspie brain can do to not accidentally offend everyone in normal settings. Blunder after blunder after blunder.

One time I tried an lgbt discord. I told another ethnic person who also struggled with meeting people that he was very white passing as a compliment. He liked it, the white lefty mods banned me. The whole issue revolving around how non whites are completely ignored in the gay dating scene.

Toxic positivity as well that was.
What is the deep state going to do with all of those mail in ballots they have been filling in in preparation of the election?
Why would you assume they were filing them out for Biden? Would imagine the flip has always been the plan. Not to mention, I’m like 50% sure Obama had the real Biden killed and is just humiliating his Memory
And using him as a scape goat to radically change America.

Ya know, the whole never underestimate Biden ability to fuck things up… like the ground work has been laid for 16 years.

Like this fat bitch with fibromyalgia who was telling everyone shes put on so much weight and was planning to start swimming to lose it .... I wasted time encouraging her only to find out shes been planning that for 2 years.

If ever I saw her again .... 'Awww look, rolly polly fattie lumpkins managed to get out of bed, you been off to start swimming yet or are ya still too pathetic and lazy to take control of your own welfare? Useless fat bitch aint ya?'.

If Joe resigns, Kamala is President, how can Dems not run her. If they allow Joe to drool all over the WH for his term, Kamala won't be the nominee.

Jill and Hunter got paid
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