Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

1st generation muslim men think a woman in anything other than a burqa = sex allowed.

Also if they get married they think sex allowed anytime they want. (Reference Swedens mandatory westernisation lessons they started trying to give them, every man in sheer confusion over being told rape is still possible in a marriage).

Worthless barbarians is all that they are.


^^I did serve in the United States Marine Corps and built a business. What the hell have you done other than collect a check? ^^


The problem is that Blackstone will own the specific DNA of those who took the tests but also those who were identified as being in the same gene pool and didn't take the test. It's not only Ancestry but 23andme or any other company doing these tests. Depending on how closely related a person is to someone who took the test, your DNA or enough of it is also in their data base. Any promises made by Ancestry et al, to forever keep your DNA private and not be used nefariously just went out the window.

^^I use to think these are not serious people and was right, I'll add mentally ill^^
^^Republicans fault^^




Some computer somewhere will be able to enhance that video.

^^I use to think these are not serious people and was right, I'll add mentally ill^^
Politics, on both sides of the aisle, first and foremost is all about enrichment of themselves, their families and their friends. Doing good for everyone else falls a long way down the list.

DEI absolution by companies is all about show. Likely the program is still in effect under a different or no name.

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