Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
^^tough talk at home. On their knees away. And why is she in China?

^^and the left will champion it^^

^^nazi gold and blood diamonds paid off^^

3) Prevented news of the Hunter investigations from becoming public before the election.
4) Claimed the CIA “stayed in its lane”. That was ALWAYS a lie. Brennan covered up & enabled the Clinton Plan to frame Trump and create the Russia-Collusion lie.
5) publicly stated that Durham’s focus had “narrowed considerably” and was “focused on the activities of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation within the FBI.”Which is a strange, because the expanded scope Barr granted to Durham, included among other things, the Mueller investigation, Danchenko's CHS status & FBI's knowledge of him, Comey/McCabe lying to Congress in '17.Durham, apparently at Barr’s direction, Ignored all of these events in early 2017 as FBI activated plan. Barr was “the Establishment’s Fixer.”

Cartels produce fentanyl.Cartels use illegals for drug and sex trafficking. Illegals send money back to their home countries which is used to fund the politicians who allow cartels free reign.US government sends money to foreign governments, ostensibly to improve living conditions but is money laundering operation.Foreign politicians put that money in offshore accounts and invest in the same offshore projects US politicians do. Wink, wink. Nod, nod.Federal Reserve prints more money. Runaway inflation, Americans get poorer, politicians and their foreign counterparts get richer.Black Rock buys foreclosed homes and builds high density housing for illegals. WEF, WHO, UN, all cry wolf: "pandemic!" "Global warming!" "Give us more power or you will die!"15 minutes cities, EVs, destruction of the American farmer, all designed to use corporations as proxies for state control. American politicians are hired by global corporations, who then run the government without any constitutional safeguards. There you have it. The globalist slave state.
They can make you get the Covidjab even if it goes against your religion, but not remove a Hijab for a mugshot.

NYC To Pay $17.5M For Forcing Women To Remove Hijabs For Mug Shots​

…and this will all stop if DJT is reelected? I say it gets turned up to 11. Does anyone here believe he will meet it with violence where necessary? I do not.
As I posted last night, Donald Trump can not do all this alone. No one man can. He needs help from the Senate, Congress, DOJ, the Courts, and all 27 Republican Governors and their attorneys general to bring cases against people doing and funding this.
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Behave yourself @MortgageHorn

Columbia Attorney Who Only Makes Videos In Spanish Makes This One Video In English Because It’s So Important She Wants The World To Share

“An American citizen that was found last week — with two 12 and 13 year old girls in a hotel room in Medellin, Colombia — he fled the country immediately and is now in the US.

“My name is Pamela, I'm a Colombian licensed attorney. All of my content is in Spanish, but I'm making this video in English so everybody in the English speaking world that sees this video knows who this man is and what he was found for in Colombia and that he fled the country immediately and is now in the US.

According to his passport he was born in Ohio and according to what people in social media are saying he still lives in Ohio. Unfortunately, Medejeen is very well known among passport bros for the things that these guys come to consume in that city in nightlife and to take advantage of the women that are exploited in broad daylight and through the night 24-7 in that city.

The Colombian police did receive a call on Thursday reporting that this man was in a hotel room with two girls.

But according to the police, because this man wasn't touching the girls when they came over and inspected the place, the hotel, and the situation, they weren't able to arrest him at the moment.

Many attorneys, like myself, believe that this was a mistake. Due to this mistake, there is no warrant for his arrest, and he was able to fly internationally, and is why he is no longer in Colombia and is back in his home country.”

“This scene over and over and over again. So remember the name, Timothy Alan Livingston, and he is not the only passport bro that has been involved in sketchy situations. I'm pretty sure that the Colombian authorities are gonna make this right and this will not go unpunished. So may this be the warning that for any passport bro who wants to come to Colombia to exploit our women and to exploit our children and to commit felonies, you are not welcome and it's not gonna end well for you”

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