Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

^^it is impossible to root for either side here, mutual destruction I hope^^

Apprently the reporter is a Carolina grad.
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Putin has remained poised and logical in the face of evil.

Yet MSM claim he is a deranged Hitler-esque loose-cannon, who wants nuclear war and global domination.

If we use 9/11 and 10/7 as precedent, Russia are now free to invade or bomb any country they wish.

However, Putin does not appear to be taking the cheese. He recognizes he is being provoked by the West, in an attempt to justify more spending for Ukraine, or worse, direct US/NATO intervention, and thus full-scale WW3.

If Putin retaliates in kind, the Deep State will get the global conflict they desire, in the hopes they can reestablish their control amidst the chaos.

Putin is keen to their plan. I don’t foresee any wild escalations, but I would not be surprised to see some “decision-making centers” being on the receiving end of a few Kinzhals in the not so distant future.

Putin knows the gravity of the situation and he will not risk his position out of emotion.
My body is ready.


My saint of a doctor prescribed the Viking clan Ivermectin and Hydroxochloroquine during the plandemic. She also wrote my medical exemption. Anyway, she offers detox regimens from the jab and agrees that there are cancer cures that include high dose vit-c, Ivermectin, and other safe and effective meds/treatments. She is a red pilled dr and we talk about all the shit going on. Love that lady. Plus has small digits for prostate exam! Haha Skol!!!
Sound more like the idiots and zealots they are.

Many of these big box stores are going to fail and shut down. The Sonic in my town shut its doors 2 months ago for "remodeling". Nothing going on and the place is dead. Just like the post a page or two ago about the company showing a significant drop in sales at their 1700 restaurants. Few can afford $25 + meals with poor service. Drove by the local Cheddars on the freeway this AM and it had closed. Those I see with decent traffic flow have several meals less that $10.
How does a Sonic remodel?

Re-stripe the parking lot and change the speakers?
Racial justice...

The Great ELECTRIC Car Coverup is entering DANGEROUS new territory | Redacted with Clayton Morris​

The Biden Administration is pushing electric vehicle mandates even though car dealers and manufacturers have begged them not to. New rules unveiled on Wednesday set the “strongest-ever pollution standards,” which many are calling a cover to eliminate gas-powered cars. Is this anything other than race-baiting climate alarmism? You decide.

Russia: A shopping center in St. Petersburg is currently being evacuated

Firefighters, ambulances and police are on site.
No official statements have been released yet.

BREAKING Russia: In Moscow, in Sheremetyevo, a passenger reported a bomb in her backpack

The woman boarded the plane to Yerevan and told the flight attendants that there was a bomb in her hand luggage. Right now, Muscovites are running around fearing another "terrorist attack".

Russia: A shopping center in St. Petersburg is currently being evacuated

Firefighters, ambulances and police are on site.
No official statements have been released yet.

BREAKING Russia: In Moscow, in Sheremetyevo, a passenger reported a bomb in her backpack

The woman boarded the plane to Yerevan and told the flight attendants that there was a bomb in her hand luggage. Right now, Muscovites are running around fearing another "terrorist attack".

The rooskies will make Guantanamo look like club med.....

Fear and visual persuasion are the most powerful tools of influence

That's why all the videos of squatters taking homes suggests Trump will win in a landslide. You can't top that for visual and scary.

Trump is competing with a sitting government that is actively trying to hurt its own citizens in a variety of entirely obvious ways. You'd have to be in a coma to not pick up on the pattern.

Anything could happen between now and election day, but if you straightline the current situation, Trump will have the largest landslide in American history.

That's not a prediction because we know there are big hoaxes coming. We might be in the middle of one.
Racial justice...

The Great ELECTRIC Car Coverup is entering DANGEROUS new territory | Redacted with Clayton Morris​

The Biden Administration is pushing electric vehicle mandates even though car dealers and manufacturers have begged them not to. New rules unveiled on Wednesday set the “strongest-ever pollution standards,” which many are calling a cover to eliminate gas-powered cars. Is this anything other than race-baiting climate alarmism? You decide.

Commies gonna commie.

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