Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Im not following. Jesus did not die on the cross for us to live in poverty. The bible also speaks on being plentiful. Shoot When Jesus met Simon (Peter) he brought him the largest catch of his life.

What are we talking about? Im confused. God absolutely does care about those things.
Maybe, maybe not. The meek shall inherit the earth. It's easier for a camel to thread the head of a needle than a wealthy man to enter the kingdom of God.

God may grant wealth as provision, but the example of Jesus was not one of worldly possessions and authority. As a Christian, we should expect to be persecuted, hated, and to rely on God. If possessions and wealth prevent one from seeing their need for a savior that is only found in Jesus, God isn't going to do us dirty like that and give us what we can't handle.

Slight ??????


🚨Red Cross is asking people have they ever received the Covid-19 vaccine.

People they do not want to acknowledge the elephant in the room. But they are basically saying please do not send us any blood if you got the jab.

Inadvertently admitting that those people are a walking biohazard and they need to take precautions by publishing this on their website.

This is where we are now folks. Are you enjoying the end of the world?
This is going to get me into a ton of trouble, but we're past the time that I care about that.

What has been so shocking to me his how we have seen the conversion of largely socialist and communist values under the guise of Neo-Marxist Globalism. Even Hitler, and the Reichstag Fire is a great example, feared the Communists (a topic worth diving in to understand the Nazi motive for the Holocaust.) and did everything he could to remove their influence in Germany between WW1 and WW2. That Communist group was led by the Marx-influenced intelligista that was anchored at the Frankfurt School. Ironically, most of those communists fled the Nazis and landed at Columbia, Brandeis, Berkley, Yale and Princeton. And we wonder how the institutional capture occurred in the upper and lower education systems (hello John Dewey).

Additionally, we took the "best" scientist from the Nazis via Operational Paperclip and buffered the philosophical disasters with scientific disasters that pushed false scientific theories such as Darwinism and biological evolution. Did you know that the first persecuted group in Nazi Germany was not in fact the Jewish people (you may want to cover your ears for this next part if you are squeamish) but rather the mentally retarded population.

So those same scientists were ushered into our New Mexico desert, built military weapons, and we are to believe those same scientist, who experimented on mentally retarded/people with birth defects in Germany, didn't apply those same tactics in this experimentation? The "proof" was that they were aliens?
What is the most logical explanation?

All of this said this unholy marriage of political ideologies should not be a surprise. The best framework I've heard is that to understand politics, you need to understand culture, and to understand culture, you have to come back to worldview. Ultimately, this is where the communist and socialist ideologies converge in their shared belief that there is no God and only a materialistic worldview. When you have no objective morality, it's easy to bend here and there until your ethics are a hypocritical bowl of spaghetti. That is where we are today.

So we see the convergence of the worse-thinking of the past 200 years with the Nazi-lineaged WEF, and the Bolshevik-inspired CCP. The two groups who's philosophies have been the most destructive in the history of the world. On one hand ,they mock the idea of God, and then in the same breath, discuss their objective with Yuval Noah Harari, stating they "will be gods."

Playing all of this out, we have a group of people that want to leverage technology to overcome human shortcomings. Not only that, but they want to utilize the technology to live forever. Forget that we can't
predict the weather next week, but we believe we can become "gods."

I have great news for those people that are pursuing that challenge: They are too late

The problem was solved two-thousand years ago by a Jewish man from Nazareth named Jesus.
I've been in the "lab" the past few months. I actually took a deep dive into eschatology for the first time. As much as I"ve studied the Bible and other worldviews, this was the first time I actually took time to look at the end-times and compare the different versions across Christianity, Islam and Judaism.

It's interesting how interconnected the views are and how easy it is to see how the prophesy laid out in the Bible is simply inverted, particularly by Islam.

Within Christianity, there are a few core pillars. Not looking to debate timing of/if there is even a Rapture (I don't know), but rather prophesy laid out in Daniel, Matthew 25, and Revelation. There are a few core pillars:

  • The world will fall into the rule of the Antichrist, who will initially appear to be "good" in that he unites people in peace with Israel/Middle-east, but will then renege on his deal with Israel
  • There will be 2 prophets who are the Witnesses mentioned in Rev 11. I believe this will be Moses and Elijah as the timing of their evangelism should be targeted toward Jews in Israel, but I could be wrong.
  • The Antichrist will kill the witnesses after ~3.5 years
  • The witnesses will be raptured to heaven
  • Jesus will return as the conquering king and wreck shop on the Anti-Christ and all Non-Believers

There are some other details in here, but these are the specific points that jumped out at me that I will go through, comparing against Judaism and Islam.

With Judaism, they believe that a conquering Messiah (a man) will come and deliver the Jews from the persecution that is largely in alignment with the Christian end-times. They view this Messiah as King David reincarnate. What is interesting about David is that he was not allowed to build the temple. God reserved that task for Solomon and does anyone remember the reasoning?

It was because David had caused bloodshed due to his time as a warrior-king. I find this so interesting in that a logical sequence of events should be that the Messiah had to first come as the suffering servant, to fullfil that prophesy and ensure salvation was guaranteed BEFORE he could return as a conquering hero (the return of Jesus and the Jewish Messiah) in order maintain the integrity of God's character.

Now the Islamic story boggles my mind. To me, it's so easy to see the blatant distortion/inversion, but you tell me.

In Islam the Mahdi is their version of their "Messiah." There are a lot of details (see video below for thorough take), but the outline is the following:

  • Revives Islamic Caliphate
  • Kills the Jewish Messiah (Jesus)
  • Rules for 7 years
  • Seat of authority on Temple Mount in Jerusalem (Abomination of Desolation in Bible)

To me, this demonstrates that Satan is not truly a "creator" but rather the deceiver and he has to twist God's creation and plan to fit his own deplorable plans. I'm sure @catfishpunter has some great commentary here.

Excellent overview. One thing I thought of recently was Nostradamus' prophecy about Mabus. Many think Mabus is the third Antichrist, or a harbinger of him. What if Mabus is MBS?
Many people believe that is a possibility. I'm still pretty new in my research here, but a few takes:

We have to be careful, but the part about the mark of the beast in the original Greek being the same as the Islamic Jihad symbol was hard to ignore. Also looking at pretty much every Muslim-mandated country and seeing the 4 colors of the 4 horses of the Apocalypse was also hard to ignore.

Oh my...
Hard to believe a woman would touch that...

Arthur Engoron accused of SLEEPING WITH OPPOSING COUNSEL in previous case..

Nathan Lewin, a defense attorney for the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the United States and Canada, said the court’s Jan. 23 ruling against his client in several pre-trial decisions is “suspect” because of that relationship, of which he was not informed until late last month. -JTA

At the defendants' request, Schoenfeld stepped down from the case on July 1, having disclosed a newly discovered relationship that, he mentioned, could cast doubts on Engoron's ethical integrity.

He planned to report these concerns to the relevant bodies, as outlined by Lewin in his documents.

Lewin suggested that the behaviors observed in this matter might have legal implications and urged for a thorough inquiry by the court.

Many people believe that is a possibility. I'm still pretty new in my research here, but a few takes:

We have to be careful, but the part about the mark of the beast in the original Greek being the same as the Islamic Jihad symbol was hard to ignore. Also looking at pretty much every Muslim-mandated country and seeing the 4 colors of the 4 horses of the Apocalypse was also hard to ignore.

I've heard that theory, but never seen anyone tie it to Nostradamus' Mabus. Heard a lot about it being a portmanteau for Obama and Bush, and of course the old Secretary of the Navy - Ray Mabus (which makes little sense - Nostradamus has never been that literal), but not MBS. Maybe someone has and I've missed it.
I've heard that theory, but never seen anyone tie it to Nostradamus' Mabus. Heard a lot about it being a portmanteau for Obama and Bush, and of course the old Secretary of the Navy - Ray Mabus (which makes little sense - Nostradamus has never been that literal), but not MBS. Maybe someone has and I've missed it.
If you research the Qu’aran, they believe the Mahdi will be named after their prophet.

By that logic. If you tie their eschatology as the inverse of Christianity, the Anti-Christ will be named Muhammad

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