Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Who interviewed Flynn?
What redacted texts were released yesterday?
Why did Flynn take the bullet?
Rubber bullet?
Lawmakers make public?
Lawmakers learned gmail draft comms yesterday?
Lawmakers go hunting?
What is the purpose of a laser pointer?
You have more than you know.
Comms understood?
He’s wrong that it can’t be used in a court of law . . . but how do you introduce evidence LEGALLY??? FISA can be used against Five Eyes as foreigners and turned around on their treasonous counterparts in the US with the assistance of the NSA. We have EVERYTHING. But it must be done by the book and legally.


^^looks like some good beach reading^^


^^no mugshot for Shawntece? Wonder why^^


🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮

It forces a trial in the Senate. Presentation of evidence of what is actually happening. Another opportunity to wake up the normies.
It won't be televised like Trump's were. Nor will he be convicted and removed.

Is Dominion running the SB?

Appears your are correct.

View attachment 212679
Is she anorexic too?

Same deal with Bobulinski. He spilled the same beans 2 years ago that he spilled yesterday
Nobody is going to do anything while OBiden is in office and doubtful afterwards. It's not in the best financial interest for these talking heads to get to the bottom---just beat around the edges.

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