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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Dec 1, 2020


Dec 1, 2020



Jan 8, 2021

it was Mitch McConnell who actually negotiated the abominable amnesty bill with Chuck Schumer, and it was Mitch McConnell who enlisted James Lankford to sell it. The entire exercise was a disaster, and now McConnell is trying to wash his hands of the whole mess. So who to blame?That's the key question Republican senators are trying to answer. In this statement from Barrasso, it's obvious that McConnell has decided to cast Lankford as the victim and Joe Biden, who doesn't even know what decade it is, as the mastermind behind the amnesty bill debacle.What’s really going on here is members feel bad for Lankford, who they genuinely like, and are not happy with McConnell for making them nearly walk the plank on one of the worst immigration bills this century. McConnell has been slowly losing control of his conference due to his poor health, which his staff are unable to hide, and his increasingly poor decision making. McConnell is losing his grip on power, everyone in the Capitol knows it even if they won't say it out loud, and this is causing an existential crisis among incompetent McConnell staff and hangers-on whose entire livelihoods depend on the ability of McConnell to browbeat industry interests into hiring them and giving them money. Without him, they are nothing, so he must be propped up and protected at all costs.Meanwhile, a group of moderate senators trying to figure out how this whole thing went sideways so quickly has formed what Senate insiders have dubbed the "Poor James" caucus: Poor James didn’t have a chance. Poor James was put in an awful situation. Poor James deserved better than this. They feel sorry for him, but they don't want to blame him for the whole mess.So what do McConnell’s lieutenants do when it becomes obvious even to them that no one is going to support this bill they desperately wanted to pass? They can’t publicly blame McConnell, even though deep down they know it’s his fault, that he’s really not up to the job anymore, and it’s probably time for him to move on. Easy: they blame Biden, who is such an obvious political mastermind operating at the top of his game, for tricking poor James Lankford into shilling for a bill everyone knows was written by McConnell and Schumer.They know nobody normal is going to believe this. All they care about is convincing 5-10 dumb GOP senators that this is totally not Mitch McConnell’s fault for nearly destroying his conference over an insane gambit to cost Trump (and Republicans) the 2024 election by giving Democrats political cover for a toxic crisis they deliberately created, voting for a bill that does nothing to fix the border, and giving another $60 billion to the only nation Mitch McConnell actually cares about protecting: Ukraine.

View attachment 212302

Fuck Lankford
Fuck Mcconell
And fuck the rest of them that are friends with either of these traitors.

They are all dicks worried about one corrupt ass? What about the rest of the country? All of DC sucks.


Jan 8, 2021
If you have followed any of the Fani and Wade shit show prosecution of Trump and some of his people you should watch this latest filing by one of the defendants.

This is getting good lots of interesting decisions will have to be made by the Judge soon.

Robert says leaving Fani and Wade on the case is probably the best thing for Trump as it will follow and taint the entire case.

He still like to Wade in the Fani…


Jan 8, 2021
The soccer ball, the dinner in the forbidden city, the arabian sword dance, crossing the dmz. Some of the softball pitches the LAC has known about for years. The reckoning is gonna be glorious. Just hurry the f up. I want to enjoy this and our restored freedoms while i still can. Skol!
Lots of people dead waiting on Suicide Weekend…


Jan 8, 2021
Does an anchor sink faster when tied to another anchor?

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