Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads




^^what an idiot^^

^^Vindman in charge of this shit stain group
^^no shit^^


This sums up what Mitch did to Langford and he was dumb enough and Rino enough to go along.

McConnell in his infinite political wisdom realized nobody wants to eat a steaming turd sandwich, he tossed it in the garbage and then threw poor James Lankford under the bus.

There is no poor James Lankford. He's a traitor to the U.S. and us Oklahomans. Fuck him.

^^what a traitorous cvnt, keep digging that hole and waiting for your media job^^

^^Wow, a black leader with a black spouse^^

^^more fun, now employees, the beginning of the end of title IX?


Florida statewide Grand Jury says Covid Policies by government were bullshit and were counter to scientific evidence available but ignored.

As for their effect on overall SARS-CoV-2 risk, we cannot ignore the fact that these NPIs were not administered based on the best available scientific data.

In fact, many public health recommendations and their attendant mandates departed significantly from scientific research that was contemporaneously available to everyone: Individuals, scientists, corporations and governments alike. Often this research was ignored by institutional policymakers. Occasionally it was even attacked.

It is a sad state of affairs when something as simple as following the science constitutes an act of heresy, but here we are.

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