Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Seems about right…good short clip. If you have $$ in banks or stocks, might be a good time to plan

The entire purpose of the Cloward-Piven Strategy is to tank the economy with massive social payments. $200 billion + to Ukraine is icing on the cake. OBiden is simply a placeholder while Obama and Co. run the country into the shitter. Fitting for a foreign born Muzzie with a fake birth certificate and a promise to transform the US while taking it up the poop chute.




Whistleblowers have reported up to a 40% placebo rate.

Early on during the rollout, they weren’t sure how people’s bodies would respond to the mRNA technology.

They needed that placebo base of people to tell their friends that “I got the vaccine and I feel fine”

With everything we know now, with millions injured or dead- Imagine how much MORE tragic the vaccine rollout would have been with a 0% placebo rate.

Everyone would have been outraged as people were dying suddenly left and right within the first month. The experiment would have immediately discontinued.

They could not have that.

In 2016, Putin warned of an international push for a New World Order that would end national sovereignty.

Putin said that Western states were abandoning their moral values, that are rooted in Christianity, which would cause people to lose their human dignity and be the downfall of Western civilization.

He also stated that the political correctness in these countries would lead to the legitimization of parties that promote the propaganda of pedophilia.

Whistleblowers have reported up to a 40% placebo rate.

Early on during the rollout, they weren’t sure how people’s bodies would respond to the mRNA technology.

They needed that placebo base of people to tell their friends that “I got the vaccine and I feel fine”

With everything we know now, with millions injured or dead- Imagine how much MORE tragic the vaccine rollout would have been with a 0% placebo rate.

Everyone would have been outraged as people were dying suddenly left and right within the first month. The experiment would have immediately discontinued.

They could not have that.

Obama cancelled the Swine Flu vax hoax program after 5 people died. 30 million dead worldwide and counting with the PfizerGatesFauci death jab.
Trump spitting truths on the lovely Maria’s show this morning. Just confirmed he kept “bad people” in place as plants collecting evidence (and future witnesses). When asked about Christopher Wray, he paused then said, “We’ll, we’ll have to still see about Wray. A lot is still to happen. I fired a lot of bad people. I also kept a lot of people in place.” (Or something to that effect.)

Bam. Love it
It's not spring yet and the grass is growing, the trees budding, plants have new leaves and the temps have been in the 60s-70s for some time. Besides the 6 days of freezing temps a couple of weeks ago, there has been no winter. Neighbor said his family in Ohio are seeing trees budding. Usually February is our coldest month and I have seen snow on Easter.


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