Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Presumably, the SCOTUS will overturn this ruling, and this stunt will only end up making Trump more popular, and proving the establishment’s desperation.

They know they can’t win. They don’t have control of Twitter anymore, so they can’t shape public perception like they used to, and with citizen journalists able to dismantle their narratives in real time, their propaganda is largely neutralized. We are calling their plays out before they run them. We have the playbook.

They are FUCKED. And they know it. So they have no choice but to try to jail Trump, keep him off the ballot, or worse.

But with every step they take to prevent Trump from reclaiming office, they dig their graves just a little deeper, further justifying their future prosecution.

In the end, this will be a net positive for Trump. It will only fuel the anti-establishment movement that much more, and it provides Trump with future political ammunition to unleash on his enemies.
Has it ever occurred to these Keynesian boneheads that when it comes to the endless accumulation of debt that there may come a state of diminishing returns? Or that more debt today ensures less jam tomorrow? Once the dollar was cut loose from its anchor to gold in 1971, however, it was off to the races. Collective income or GDP is now 2,300% higher, while collective debt is up by 5,600%. Accordingly, the US economy’s leverage ratio has soared to 357% as of 2022.$53 trillion of incremental EXTRA debt burden that would not have existed at the pre-1971 leverage ratio. That is to say, the current aggregate US debt level would be $41 trillion, not $94 trillion.
View attachment 209681
Thank Ronald Reagan if you have a problem with Keynesian economics.
Goes hand in hand with "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor"

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It's not stupid. It's evil.

We used to imprison or kill the most evil humans. Today they are made billionaires and they brutalize and oppress entire nations.

It makes me wonder what was the point of winning WW2? Why did millions of people die to stop hitler when we just ended up with someone like gates who plans to carry on the same plan for world domination, resource control and depopulation?
If I load up on food for another 10 days of darkness my wife is gonna kick me out of the house, good on ammo though.
Wife always asks, "why do we need a 50 lbs bag of rice? "

You guys need better wives. I told my wife we needed to stock up on food and she came home with 300 lbs of beans and rice from Sam’s. Then she told me to get some 5lb buckets so we could store it long term.

Presumably, the SCOTUS will overturn this ruling, and this stunt will only end up making Trump more popular, and proving the establishment’s desperation.

They know they can’t win. They don’t have control of Twitter anymore, so they can’t shape public perception like they used to, and with citizen journalists able to dismantle their narratives in real time, their propaganda is largely neutralized. We are calling their plays out before they run them. We have the playbook.

They are FUCKED. And they know it. So they have no choice but to try to jail Trump, keep him off the ballot, or worse.

But with every step they take to prevent Trump from reclaiming office, they dig their graves just a little deeper, further justifying their future prosecution.

In the end, this will be a net positive for Trump. It will only fuel the anti-establishment movement that much more, and it provides Trump with future political ammunition to unleash on his enemies.

I believe this will drive voters to Trump, but does everyone believe that Twitter was/is so powerful that it sways massive public opinion?

Archbishop Vigano drops some serious truth bombs about the Deepstate, PizzaGate and more​

whole video:

Archbishop Vigano sees with clear vision. He understands that THE ENEMY, Lucifer is behind all of this because it is too perfectly planned to be of human design. BUT that means, it will be over soon enough.

God WINS. God always wins.

We just need to call on him, worship and praise him. Turn away from the world, turn to him. He will not allow the enemy to have his way.

It may not look like God is delivering us from this present evil but it did not look like it when Pharaoh showed up, pinning the Israelites to the Red Sea.

It did not look like it when Haman was building the gallows for Mordecai in the Book of Ester. It didn't look like it when the Jews were exiled to Babylon, when Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace, it didn't look like it when the Muslims were about to take over Spain (and all of Europe after) during the battle of Lepanto. But in every case, at the last minute, God intervened and showed up "BIG TIME". God showed up then. God doesn't change.

God is showing up now. Exodus 14:13 "But Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid, stand firm, and see the deliverance that the LORD will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom you see today you shall never see again." NRSV.

It's not stupid. It's evil.

We used to imprison or kill the most evil humans. Today they are made billionaires and they brutalize and oppress entire nations.

It makes me wonder what was the point of winning WW2? Why did millions of people die to stop hitler when we just ended up with someone like gates who plans to carry on the same plan for world domination, resource control and depopulation?
Troll attempt.

Happening now. Gaslighting. DECLASS. Treason.

This is what you call conditioning of the public psyche.

Drips about the Biden crime family are growing in size, at a much larger pace. Biden seems to ignore and gaslight his way through it all..

While at the same time people are seeing a two tiered justice system be weoponized against Trump. Pulled off the ballot in Colorado.

Can you say all by design? Can you feel the energy rising? All while we enter the thick of the 2024 election cycle?

Trump already told us. Joe is a criminal.

Probably all just a coincidence.

Happening now. Gaslighting. DECLASS. Treason.

This is what you call conditioning of the public psyche.

Drips about the Biden crime family are growing in size, at a much larger pace. Biden seems to ignore and gaslight his way through it all..

While at the same time people are seeing a two tiered justice system be weoponized against Trump. Pulled off the ballot in Colorado.

Can you say all by design? Can you feel the energy rising? All while we enter the thick of the 2024 election cycle?

Trump already told us. Joe is a criminal.

Probably all just a coincidence.

Nobody, especially the GOP, is going to bring up treason or charge anyone with treason. If they did it would snowball and catch several thousand politicians and deep stater denizens. As Hildebitch said, "If I go down I'll bring the whole govt down."

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