The Black Swan Approaching
Benjamin Fulford-
The signs are multiplying that the US and Israel are headed for some sort of mega black swan event. The result will be that both countries cease to exist in their present format. That is because the Federal Reserve Board -the fountain of power for the Satanists- is on the verge of collapse. If it goes, then everything under it, such as the Unite States of America Corporation, the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF, the UN and 90% of the world’s transnational corporations will also collapse and come under new management. End quote.
Didn't we just briefly cover this? So think about what will lead to this. The US Treasury Bonds are no longer accepted as collateral in the US Oil Trade. The Fed-Reserve in order to offset the consequences of this can no longer do QE-(Quantitive Easing) due to Basel 3/ISO-20022. Why? Because these new policies force all central banks to show their books. And what is on them? Blank Checks they can not cash.
As Mike' mentioned they can not do a reverse repo without draining what is left of the 2.3 trillion in MBS-(Mortgage Backed Securities). Once that happens everything goes to zero. Which will lead to the collapse of the fiat USD which is probably only a week away or so at this point. This will lead to Iraq reinstating their currency that the BRICS Nations are waiting for. Because this is why it is so difficult to trade because of the artificial value of the fiat USD that keeps emerging markets struggling to get out of 3rd world status.
Why do you think the last USD auction in Iraq is on December 6th?
Why do you think they stated the dollar crisis will be over before 2023 is over?
Why do you think Iraq will officially end dealing in USD on January 1st?
What's on the other side of the dollar collapse?
• The Gold Standard
• New Republic
• Law & Order
• Common Law
• Military Tribunals
• Humanitarian Projects
• Free Energy
White Hats Blog
"There is also financial warfare taking place against the US Corporation. The Chinese have been dumping US Treasuries in an attempt to collapse the FRB and their Washington DC subsidiary. This prompted the KM to retaliate by hacking Chinese bank computer systems. Reuters reported this attack.
A ransomware attack on the industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) disrupted some trades in the U.S. Treasury market on Thursday, the Treasury Department said.
Canadian intelligence agency says what really happened was:
“The Fed put out a $24 trillion bond for countries to buy to cover the debt- no one bought even a penny. China bought oil futures from IRAN and paid 33 trillion but not in US $ – what does that tell you about the USA in world affairs. They are finished ”. End quote. t.me/WhiteHatsQ
You all want to know why the Joe Biden & Xi meeting in California prompted them to clean up the city where no one knew where the homeless people went? Joe Biden was trying to offer China the entire state for collateral given that no one is accepting the fiat USD anymore. What a whack job J. Biden is.
You know what's funny? Around the same time back in March 2020 when the Federal Reserve was being absorbed by the US Treasury Covid-19 made its debut. Now around the same time that the dollar is positioned to collapse they are trying to introduce another virus in the same month.
The death of Henry Kissinger was a marker for all of this to happen as a symbolic gesture for the end of a regime.
Henry Kissinger

Klaus Schawb

Janet Yellen

Bibi Netanyahu

Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Joe Biden

As the weeks, and months go by we will be seeing them leave the spotlight one by one. The stage is already set for their departure. Remember, their position in this game is tethers to the fiat system. Once that crashed there will be no use for them anymore. All of them become dead weight. And a major liability. You already see this playing out in Washington with George Santos. Now that he is expelled everyone is in the crosshair. You are watching a live implosion. The Rinos are very concerned which is why they rejected Hunter Biden testifying before congress.
Do you all see that everyone from media, government, and banking are on the ropes?
Advertisers leaving X due to Elon Musk talking about Pizzagate.
Government denying Jeffrey Epstein Blackbook request from Marsha Blackburn.
Banking is collapsing and closing hundreds of branches due to Basel 3/ISO-20022.
What else do you need to see that you are winning this war by miles?
So what if they throw a false flag here and a false flag there. We know this is out of sheer panic. We know they are cornered animals. We know they do not want to face Military Tribunals. Tommy Tuberville knows what is coming because he had the playbook. That is why he says he expected a 9/11 event every other week. Well now you know why as well. Allow this to play out because we all know where this is going.
Will they try a black out? Ofcourse.
Will they try bombing buildings? Ofcourse.
Will they try mass shootings? Ofcourse.
Will they try another virus? Ofcourse.
Will this stop them from facing War Crimes in Military Courts? Ofcourse not.