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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021

Trump was given a 21 gun salute as he left office. ??

Biden was given a funeral/incoming adversary salute. ??

Biden was sworn in early. ??

Trump did not attend ceremony. ??

Trump left with the nuclear football. ??

National Guard was sworn in as US Marshall's, and took over DC. ??

Joe Biden's Marines were out of uniform and turned their backs to him. ??

Trump told us of the PAUSE. ??

Q told us the people must be shown not told.. ??

So you tell me what's going on.


Dec 1, 2020
^^ i hate this bullshit^^

^^Then vote that way fuckwads^^


Dec 9, 2020

Trump was given a 21 gun salute as he left office. ??

Biden was given a funeral/incoming adversary salute. ??

Biden was sworn in early. ??

Trump did not attend ceremony. ??

Trump left with the nuclear football. ??

National Guard was sworn in as US Marshall's, and took over DC. ??

Joe Biden's Marines were out of uniform and turned their backs to him. ??

Trump told us of the PAUSE. ??

Q told us the people must be shown not told.. ??

So you tell me what's going on.

This has also stuck out to me as well. I have family in the military and they are absolute nuts about ceremony and timing.
Getting sworn in 15 minutes early was the first red flag to me. The second was the laying of the wreath at Arlington. They showed previous POTUS’ compared to Biden and he wasn’t allowed to touch the wreath.


A Real A Hole
Jan 11, 2021

Doesn’t sound like the were chanting for the Indian girl.

Also Twitter post that says he is being booed. I am going with they love him

Well, I was there. The first Twitter post wasn't for him. It was our typical sandstorm cheering. The last Twitter post was accurate.

Interestingly, the students cheered for him first and the crowd joined in. This was just at the beginning of halftime. I didn't hear any boos. I was above the video on the second row of the upper deck on about the 45. No Nikki to be found. Though I'm sure she was happy about the outcome of the game.

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