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Pfizer Sues Poland For Bailing On COVID-19 Vaccine, Citing Shady EU Mega-Deal​

SATURDAY, NOV 25, 2023 - 05:15 PM

In April, 2021, the world learned that European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen had been negotiating the biggest contract ever sealed for 1.1 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines via text messages back and forth with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla.

And while those texts were 'somehow' lost, Pfizer is now suing Poland - which, under the EU deal struck between von der Leyen and Bourla, obligated the Polish government to purchase 60 million more doses than it did.

"Pfizer and BioNTech are seeking to hold Poland to its commitments for COVID-19 vaccine orders placed by the Polish Government, as part of their contract to supply the European Union signed in May 2021," a Pfizer spokesperson told Politico, adding that BioNTech is joining the lawsuit.

According to Polish newspaper Gazeta Prawa, Pfizer brought the civil case before a Brussels court because the doses were purchased through EU joint procurement contracts, drawn up under Belgian law. -Politico
Poland, under the leadership of then Health Minister Adam Niedzielski and the populist PiS party, took a bold step in April 2022 by stopping vaccine deliveries, citing force majeure. This decision, influenced by both financial and epidemiological factors, echoed across Eastern and Central Europe, leading to a wave of dissent against the Commission's deal with Pfizer.

^^as for the we're better than this, probably not^^


🚨From Business Insider: Panic In The Air

Do you see how desperate they are?

Did you know that Marine Corps Base Camp Blaz in Guam has
finished building a 200-Cell penitentiary?

Do you know who this new prison facility is specifically for?

Do you remember that H.R. 4310 that Barrack Obama signed on Dec 29th 2012 that made it legal for the media to push propaganda?

The 2013 National Defense Authorization Act. Section 1078 of the bill authorizes the use of propaganda inside the US, which had previously been banned since 1948 when the Smith-Mundt Act was passed.

Donald Trump at one point kept mentioning 18,000,000.

Which is a US Code Ch 115

Which is also Drop-18 on the Q' Board.

What does it mean? Sedition.

18 U.S. Code § 2385. "Advocating overthrow of Government.💣
Whoever KNOWINGLY or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, publishes, circulates, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so".

Ladies & Gentlemen this is Treason.

Dan Goldman knows which is why he blatantly said D. Trump must be eliminated.

Do you know who was responsible in the building of this new 200 Cell in Guam? JAG-(Judge Advocate General's Corps).

Now do you see why Joe Scarborough is panicking?

Do you see why they are trying to make this look like a political retribution?

They are not mentioning anything about what they have been doing as something criminal. Because they know their viewers are misinformed on their misdeeds.

Now do you see why D. Trump never reversed H.R. 4310? He allowed the MSM to continue the Treason & Sedition while the Sting Op was going on in the background. Why? Because the US Military under COG-Continuity Of Government) was in charge once J. Biden was officially sworn in which is a crime within itself.

Now that the cultural tide is turning in favor of Republicans due to the J. Biden administration tanking the economy the removal of everyone involved in the 2020 Election Fraud will not suffer the expected backlash it would have if it was done prematurely before everyone got a chance to see how bad things are today under a corrupt government that cheated to win the White House to serve itself against the American people.

Now the media is faced with the grim reality that they will be arrested, charged, and prosecuted. Now they are trying to create an environment where if D. Trump was assassinated (Predictive Programming) it was something no one had any control over. No conspiracy. No culprits. No political ties. No government involvement. Just something that comes with the territory of running for office.

They know the end is here for them.

The question is do you?
Lay it out. I believe you, but tell me here he is wrong? Us non-military folks don’t understand.
Reserves tankers are over 50% of the air refueling force. They train fly all month long and do weekend duty all most every weekend because that is when traditional reservist are off of their full time job. This guy saying this flight is special because it came out of McGhee Tyson does not mean anything is happening. Also, McGee Tyson is an air national guard base, title 32 and title 50 all apply when they are activated.

Tucker Carlson Exposing Congress, You Do Not Get What You Vote For. Our Intelligence Agencies, The CIA Are Controlling Their Decisions

“There are members of congress who are controlled by the intel agencies. I'm not speculating on this. You know, I lived there for 35 years. I know this.

I had a very high ranking very high ranking member of the house intel committee tell me at dinner At a restaurant in Washington when he'd been drinking, we gotta talk about this. And I said, oh, I'll text you. He goes, I I can't text. And I said, why is that? And he goes, well, because NSA reads my text.

And I said, NSA reach wait. You're the head guy on the intelligence committee. You're their boss. You're providing oversight in our constitution constitutional system. He's like, yeah.

But, you know, they're still spying at me, first thing. Second thing, Michael McCall, Who is, you know, the leader of, I would say, the NeoCons, uh, in the house, kinda low key, uh, neocons, but but neocons. Um, what I got into an argument with him once last year on the phone. He told somebody that I was a Russian agent or something, and I was outraged. So I called him on the phone, and I, you know, I used bad line.

I was really mad, And, uh, he said, woah. Woah. Woah. I I just got that. You know?

That's what the intel briefers told me that you were working for Russia. And I said, that's what the intel briefers told you. You believe your fucking intel like, how old are you, son? You know? I'm from DC.

My dad was in this world. Like Yeah. You don't you're being manipulated by your intel briefers.”

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