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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Your Favorite Loan Officer
Dec 9, 2020
Hello LAC!

Hell I Didn't Even Know the J-6 Tapes Were Released Until I Spoke With a Friend 2 Hours Ago

Right Now Sitting 28 Pages Behind

The New Argentine Prez Is In

J-6 Released

Ukraine Has Lost (Has Jakey and His Faggot Boyfriend Committed Suicided Together - If Not Haha You Dumb Cum-Guzzling Bitch - We Told You So)

Child Trafficking Rings Going Down Everywhere

Biden is a Fake

Lots & Lots of Q Posts Be Verified (Likely Saved @Jayhox Life After the KU Debacle)

Trump on Roids AKA Milei Wins in Argentina

Looks Like We're Finally Heading in the Right Direction

Anyway Found Something I Don't Think We Covered in Any Version of This GOAT Thread

For Those of Us That Know 9-11 Was an Inside US Government Op and for the Rest of You Dolts With Your Head in the Sand

Seems the Twin Towers Were Filled With Asbestos - The Only Option Would Have Been to Dismantle One Floor at a Time

Obviously That Would Have Been an Impossible Cost to Cover

Luckily Larry Silberstein - Oh Look Another Jew - Comes Out of the Hospital Makes His Doctors Take Him Off of Morphine So He Can Close the Deal on July 24, 2001

Now Why Would You Take Over a the Two Largest Asbestos-Filled Building in the World?

Well If You Knew They Were Going to Be Demolished (Run Into With Aluminum Planes to Cover the Demolition) You Could Insure Them for $3.2 Billion on a Unique Policy That Covered Terrorism Just a Couple of Months Before

Why Did This Fact Never Hit MSM

Hollywood, Music, "Advisors" to Presidents On Both Sides of the Aisle, Bankers, Fed Appointees, WEF, Epstein, The List Goes On and On

What is the Common Denominator?

Jews - Not God's Chosen Ones - But The Bad Ones

Be Careful Who You Support


Your Favorite Loan Officer
Dec 9, 2020


Dec 10, 2020
Rolling Stones article. This is how big a liars they are. Trump was clearly joking and they even admit he was joking but yet they try to spin it as he was an asshole while serving food to soldiers BP agents. Biden is probably at the beach again and RS attacks Trump for helping people on his own time.

Former president Donald Trump tried to do a charitable thing Sunday, handing out food to Texas National Guard soldiers, troopers, and others who will be working at the border during Thanksgiving. But he then complained that there wasn't enough food left for him.

"The food looked very good. I wanted to have some, but they didn't have any for me. They had none left. That's not good. That's my kind of food too," Trump said, drawing some chuckles from the crowd.


Dec 10, 2020
We have a way of crucifying our own. It’s also against regs to be out in blue dress alphas. They will find a loophole to make an example
That was the only part I thought was weird, now I don’t know shit about military dress codes, but I thought it was weird they were in what I thought was a “dress” uniform. Still wish they were still kicking their asses though.

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