Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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People listen, they are bleeding out what is left of this current system before we officially switch over to "The Gold Standard". So please stop asking why the 14 billion going to Israel wasn't deposited in your account. Why would the inject billionins in fiat currency when they know it will be worth nothing? You want inflation? Because that is going to come anyway sense today is the last day the Middle East accept fiat USD for oil contracts. We are already under new governance. Next is the financial system.

It’s dangerous to spread lies and misinformation like this.
I would agree with you that there’s little suggest Hitler was a good guy.

But, there’s a lot that suggests that we may have not “won” WWII as clearly as we’ve been taught.

Operation Paperclip did happen and Nazi scientists were imported en mass and promptly took over our science, medical and intelligence fields. Other Nazi leaders found their way into prominent positions within what would become the UN/NATO.

Also, the Hitler to South America conspiracy is all but confirmed. Weird thing for the world to allow if he really lost a war.
It’s dangerous to spread lies and disinformation like this.
I would agree with you that there’s little suggest Hitler was a good guy.

But, there’s a lot that suggests that we may have not “won” WWII as clearly as we’ve been taught.

Operation Paperclip did happen and Nazi scientists were imported en mass and promptly took over our science, medical and intelligence fields. Other Nazi leaders found their way into prominent positions within what would become the UN/NATO.

Also, the Hitler to South America conspiracy is all but confirmed. Weird thing for the world to allow if he really lost a war.
I can agree wholeheartedly about that. Don’t even know why we did it. Well I do but we should Have hung every one of these sons of bitch’s. Trying to say anything remotely close to Hitler being the good guy is retarded at best.
I can agree wholeheartedly about that. Don’t even know why we did it. Well I do but we should Have hung every one of these sons of bitch’s. Trying to say anything remotely close to Hitler being the good guy is retarded at best.
Trying to say we should have killed the people that gave this country an even wider technological edge is retarded at best as well.
Every other example you listed has glaring bread crumbs that lead you down rabbit holes.

There is not one single bread crumb out of the entire history of WW2 that leads us to believe Hitler was the good guy. One guy who wrote one book on a barely substantiated non order that came from Hitler to NOT exterminate the Jews? So Hitler just gave the order to round them up in ghettos and place them in these camps but in the VERY VERY end decided NOT to give the order to exterminate them because there is no written down evidence of it???

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You have all the propaganda talking points down pat!

Tell me why Hitler invaded Poland and I'll know if you really understand history.

I would agree with you that there’s little suggest Hitler was a good guy.

But, there’s a lot that suggests that we may have not “won” WWII as clearly as we’ve been taught.

Operation Paperclip did happen and Nazi scientists were imported en mass and promptly took over our science, medical and intelligence fields. Other Nazi leaders found their way into prominent positions within what would become the UN/NATO.

Also, the Hitler to South America conspiracy is all but confirmed. Weird thing for the world to allow if he really lost a war.

The author David Irving didn't write a book on propaganda.

He's THE ONLY one that interviewed all the people, got all the documents, got the diaries, went through the archives (Germans were excellent at documenting everything) and wrote what he found.

It so happens that what he found didn't 'jive' with the propaganda narrative.

an aside...
6 Million Jews - history
You have all the propaganda talking points down pat!

Tell me why Hitler invaded Poland and I'll know if you really understand history.

The author David Irving didn't write a book on propaganda.

He's THE ONLY one that interviewed all the people, got all the documents, got the diaries, went through the archives (Germans were excellent at documenting everything) and wrote what he found.

It so happens that what he found didn't 'jive' with the propaganda narrative.

an aside...
6 Million Jews - history
He found ONE single solitary phone call archive that wasn’t even Hitler to not exterminate. GTFOH

thats why it’s ‘faith’ and not “I saw God the other day and this is what he told me to do”
The way I see it happening is Christian faith has a set of tenets - rules to live by.

If one is raised in this belief system that there IS a higher power, that God the Father watching over His creation... so you'd better be good (i.e., choose the path of goodness) there are certain expectations - the 10 Commandments - the tenets one adheres to. The Bible is purported to be 'the word' of God. But it's open to generational interpretations. Still, there are words of wisdom with in its covers.

Because you were raised in this system you respect it.

There are no 'voices in your head' other than your own conscience telling you what is right, or wrong. (The two devils sitting on your shoulders...?)

Having a guilty conscience is that 'voice in your head' telling you you've strayed from the straight and narrow.

Same if you're a criminal. That 'voice' in your head telling you to steal, because you deserve it, or reparations are owed?

"Praying to God" is meditative introspection to get in touch with the aether, the life-force that is creation, to show respect for the divine energy that flows through life. Sometimes it 'communicates' via 'voices' (your conscience) speaking to you in a moment of solitude.

We can drill down genetically into DNA and see all the moving parts of humanity. We can even assemble all the pieces parts and create 'Dolly' the sheep, but we can not 'create' life. That 'spark' of energy that makes a human being with a soul. Not that we aren't attempting that. Who knows, science might have already done it?

Man's hubris thinks it can, but is it another 'faith' to believe in?

Yuval Noah Harari seems to think we really don't need humanity in its current form and he wants to genetically 'hack' into the DNA and recreate it, by playing God if you will? Maybe he is correct, but I won't be around to see it happen. This 'belief' is what drives the 'new and improved' mRNA jab we've all been subjected to which is another developing tangent I won't go into here. He happens to be Jewish btw.

You could also believe as a Muslim 'believes' that all infidels must convert, or be beheaded because the 'voices in your head' told you so?

I've not read the Torah, but from what I have gleaned from posts online about what it says of the Goyim, it's a slave owners manual for world domination hiding in the shadows? I don't get the sense that all Jews are in that mindset, perhaps there are different levels/books with different interpretations just as there are Jews and there are Zionists?

I've read that for Christians for living a good life on Earth their 'reward' is in Heaven. For Jews, their 'reward' is in the 'here and now'.

Perhaps that is the difference between them? In any case, listen to the voices in your head. You might learn something?

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A year after Elon Musk bought Twitter, he finally explains WHY:He says that the niche ideology that turned San Francisco into a "zombie apocolypse" would historically be geographically isolated, and the fallout would therefore be limited. But Twitter gave that philosophy an "information technology weapon," which it could use to spread that mind virus to the whole planet unopposed.

Musk: "In order for the mind virus to propogate it must suppress oppossing viewpionts."

Rogan: "Because it doesn't stand up against scrutiny?"

Musk: "Correct."

Musk cared enough about stopping this virus that he spent $40 billion to do so.

Dear Losers in Congress,

This is what I've been warning you about for five years while the fake news consistently focused on the TikTok "data privacy" issue only. That was an intentional diversion.TikTok is the user interface to the minds of young Americans.

There was no way it would not be weaponized when the time was right.The time is right.

China pushed the "heat" button.

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