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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
I wonder if he might have been from an Middle Eastern religious sect...??

nah, so the white Pilot is not from Middle East, as his name is Emerson and he is a huge weirdo gaay Leftie from SF, who has been a big pro-union and pro-Vax leftie during the airline industry CV-19 Vax mess couple yrs ago.

His Twitter has been scrubbed some today, but a few things have remained, like his Pro- Vax, Left wing stuff and his SF Gay community ties and links.

So earlier today we had a SF based left-wing gay white man Pilot who tried to kill a plane and 80 passengers, a small regional jet plane heading to SFO from Seattle/ Everett and it made an emergency landing at PDX.

Due to Emerson's demo, and since he is not a Maga white racist, this news story will be gone by morning, it already is disappearing in most national news outlets.

Imagine if Emerson was a right wing pro-Maga Pilot who went nutso, this would be a news story for next 4 months, and the media would be blaming their orange man Hitler for the pilots' lunacy.



Dec 1, 2020

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