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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
Yah, no shit.
This is logic vs fallacy.

HiddenLakes being a triggered fairy puff because clearly you can't handle your weak bullshit being called out for what it is.

You lied and got caught—then tried to evade with another lie but failed miserably and got laughed at.

You are responsible for your own shitty fuck ups cunt.

Yet you've chosen cowardice, dereliction & blaming your own shitty accountability on someone else.



Made the run from Texarkana to Atlanta
Jan 8, 2021

Holy Shit This Jake Faggot is a REAL LIFE FAGGOT
Here's a Clip On His YouTube Channel Where He & His Boy Friend Are Talking About
The "Great Time" They Had Together

Quote From His Boyfriend "I had a fantastic time tonight and Jake did as well".

Take A Listen Only About a Minute Long and After Listening
There is No Way They Didn't Fuck Each Other In the Ass

The Mother-Fucker Is Anti Elon and Pro George Soros

Dick-Sucker Says Trump Has 0% Chance of Winning 2024

Damn Dude You're a Bigger Faggot Than Anyone On This Board Could Have Imagined 😂🤣😂

Sounds super faggity.


Made the run from Texarkana to Atlanta
Jan 8, 2021

Holy Shit This Jake Faggot is a REAL LIFE FAGGOT
Here's a Clip On His YouTube Channel Where He & His Boy Friend Are Talking About
The "Great Time" They Had Together

Quote From His Boyfriend "I had a fantastic time tonight and Jake did as well".

Take A Listen Only About a Minute Long and After Listening
There is No Way They Didn't Fuck Each Other In the Ass

The Mother-Fucker Is Anti Elon and Pro George Soros

Dick-Sucker Says Trump Has 0% Chance of Winning 2024

Damn Dude You're a Bigger Faggot Than Anyone On This Board Could Have Imagined 😂🤣😂



Jan 9, 2021
Pics of Ukraine are nothing like this... nothing!

I guess Hamas Fucked around and found out. The Palestinians there and here in the US cheered as hamas attacked Israel. They also cheered thoses terrorist on 9/11. I don't trust the Israeli Gov't. They are all crooks. However, if someone attacked my home, I would do the same thing. Now if we get dragged into this then turn the whole middle east into fucking Glass. The US needs to stay out of this Bullshit


Jan 8, 2021

View attachment 205824

^^ :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ^^
Hell, look at yourself...you're continue funding of Ukraine is he cause.


Dec 10, 2020

Holy Shit This Jake Faggot is a REAL LIFE FAGGOT
Here's a Clip On His YouTube Channel Where He & His Boy Friend Are Talking About
The "Great Time" They Had Together

Quote From His Boyfriend "I had a fantastic time tonight and Jake did as well".

Take A Listen Only About a Minute Long and After Listening
There is No Way They Didn't Fuck Each Other In the Ass

The Mother-Fucker Is Anti Elon and Pro George Soros

Dick-Sucker Says Trump Has 0% Chance of Winning 2024

Damn Dude You're a Bigger Faggot Than Anyone On This Board Could Have Imagined 😂🤣😂

That Ryan Mcbeth dude is a shill too. He was super pro Ukraine. He thought Russia bombed the dam to stop Ukraine from overrunning them in the south. They shelled their own nuclear power plant and blew up their own pipeline. He basically thinks Ukraine could stop fighting and Russia would just keep killing the shit out of themselves.
Jul 1, 2023
That Ryan Mcbeth dude is a shill too. He was super pro Ukraine. He thought Russia bombed the dam to stop Ukraine from overrunning them in the south. They shelled their own nuclear power plant and blew up their own pipeline. He basically thinks Ukraine could stop fighting and Russia would just keep killing the shit out of themselves.
It’s been proven & is common knowledge that only Russia could have blown the damn.

You either know that and just continue to stan for a communist dictator or you are retarded.


Dec 10, 2020
Alex Jones was on with Viva and Barnes. AJ and Barnes both agree that when RFK jr went independent he intentionally went to the left just to get more dem votes and to alienate Trump voters. They feel he is pissed with what the DNC has become and thinks the Biden puppet masters are the same people that killed his dad and uncle. So RFK jr saying a bunch of this wild left shit is just to try to get an extra 1 million democrat votes.
Jul 1, 2023
Alex Jones was on with Viva and Barnes. AJ and Barnes both agree that when RFK jr went independent he intentionally went to the left just to get more dem votes and to alienate Trump voters. They feel he is pissed with what the DNC has become and thinks the Biden puppet masters are the same people that killed his dad and uncle. So RFK jr saying a bunch of this wild left shit is just to try to get an extra 1 million democrat votes.
Well if Alex said it then we can be sure it’s not true.


Jul 27, 2023
Are we supposed to believe the image to the right is MAGA, or what deranged TDS thinks it is?
The question is a little unclear but tbh I just couldn't give a steaming shit what mass psychosis you or anyone feels like believing in.
Ain't my problem.

I do enjoy the whole TDS thing coz it is quite funny, especially the irony aye.


Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021

In the private roll call vote, Tom Emmer had over twenty Republicans who say they are refusing to vote for him on the floor.

He will likely just go pick those votes up from Democrats, as they have already publicly pledged to help him get to the gavel.

This is an extremely sad day for our country and a complete slap in the face to every Republican voter.


Dec 2, 2020

I'm sure you all have friends who are asking questions, you can send them this :
1)Before the modern state of Israel there was the British mandate, Not a Palestinian state .
2) Before the British mandate there was the ottoman empire, Not a Palestinian state .
3) Before the ottoman empire there was the Islamic mamluk sultanate of Egypt, Not a Palestinian state .
4)Before the Islamic mamluk sultanate of Egypt there was the ayyubid dynasty, Not a Palestinian state .Godfrey of bouillon conquered it in 1099.
5) Before the ayyubid dynasty there was the christian kingdom of Jerusalem, Not a Palestinian state .
6) Before the christian kingdom of Jerusalem there was the Fatimid caliphate, Not a Palestinian state .
7) Before the Fatimid caliphate there was the byzantine empire, Not a Palestinian state .
Before the byzantine empire there was the Roman empire, Not a Palestinian state .
9) Before the Roman empire there was the hasmonean dynasty, Not a Palestinian state .
10)Before the hasmonean dynasty there was the Seleucid empire,Not a Palestinian state .
11) Before the Seleucid empire there was the empire of Alexander the 3rd of Macedon, Not a Palestinian state .
12) Before the empire of Alexander the 3rd of Macedon there was the Persian empire, Not a Palestinian state .
13) Before the Persian empire there was the Babylonian empire, Not a Palestinian state .
14) Before the Babylonian empire there was the kingdoms of Israel and Judea, Not a Palestinian state .
15) Before the kingdoms of Israel and Judea there was the kingdom of Israel, Not a Palestinian state .
16) Before the kingdom of Israel there was the theocracy of the 12 tribes of Israel, Not a Palestinian state .
17) Before the theocracy of the 12 tribes of Israel there was the individual state of Canaan, Not a Palestinian state .
In fact in this corner of the earth there was everything but a Palestinian state!
Origins @voiceofisrael

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