The Plan Behind The Agenda:
As evidence shows by normalizing kid drag shows, drag time story hour, sexualizing children in school, child consent to mutilation all equals consent to sex all goes back to one man. Because People ask how do I associate the LGBT Agenda as a segue to acclimate the public into accepting open Pedophilia? Well the founder David Thorstad (Creator of LGBT) also created NAMBLA-(North American Man/Boy Love Association. And what are you seeing today? The UN-Pro Pedo push.
The FBI broke up a Pedophilia Ring, where some of those arrested were members of NAMBLA. Seven of them were active members. This Sting happened in 2015. This happened in Southern California. This organization was also trying to claim tax exempt status as well. The entire nation was being groomed to go where we are for decades. Atleast since the 1970s.
Through movies, music, books, and images. Remember that very graphic chapter in Stephen King's book "It" where under age kids were having an orgy? There was no backlash for that. Why? The Liberals to this day celebrate Allen Ginsberg who was a poet but also a Pedophile.
Because he was also an active member of NAMBLA. I remember the Stephen Collins who played Jessica Biels father on 7th Heaven came out and admitted he was a Pedophile. No backlash.
Members (Of NAMBLA) Include
Mark Zuckerberg
Gary Glitter
Pete Townshend
Allen Ginsberg
Gore Vidal
Tom Hanks
Will Smith
Armie Hammer
Scott Stringer
They were said to be 300 members total. There are people now demanding Tom Hanks imprisonment for child sex crimes. Armie Hammer has wierd videos of him allowing his child to suck on his toes. Didn't A. Hammer star un a movie as an older man who fell in love with a teenager played by Timothee Chamalet?
Will Smith can be seen trying to forcefully kiss Jaden on the lips. Not to mention Orlando Brown accusing W. Smith of sexual abuse when he was a child. Gore Vidal was also said to be attracted to children. According to Teeman's book, as Lawson describes it, Vidal's “half-sister and a nephew have hinted that he may have had a secret passion for underage boys.
And Vidal more or less admitted it himself, writing in his memoir Palimpsest that he was 'attracted to adolescent males. By the way did you all know Ruth Bader Ginsburg was placed in her position to legalize underage sex? Why do you think she wanted the decriminalization of Pedophilia? Do you see where we were headed as a nation if she were still here? Why do you think Stephen Colbert invited her on the show? He was on Jeffrey Epstein Island too.
People we were headed towards destruction. The entertainment industry has many films sexualizing child actors.
What Is Sexualization?
Sexualization is the process whereby characters are portrayed and treated in an overly sexual manner. Typically, these characters are women and girls but includes boys also. Sexualization can occur through conversations, comments, glances and touches from others, and also in the way in which fe/male characters dress and behave.
"Her admirers—middle-aged men and clergymen—respond to her dubious coquetry, to the sight of her well-shaped and desirable little body, packed with enormous vitality, only because the safety curtain of story and dialogue drops between their intelligence and their desire.” End quote.
In 1937, Graham Greene wrote those words in a review of Shirley Temple’s film Wee Willie Winkie. I read of the child abuse and rape of many female child actresses. This has not changed. Can you imagine what goes on at these Disney Studios? Many children have been molested while on set for movies and television shows.
~The Spirit Of Sodom & Gomorrah Lives