Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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What is Jordan having to promise these people to get their vote?
Bannon said on War Room that its being reported he's giving 6B to Ukraine and 10B to Israel. He said he wasn't able to confirm but those numbers are being floated around. Someone came out saying that is not true, but in my opinion, Jordan will give to both Ukraine and Israel. And he'll do another CR.

They really got to Jordan with the Ohio State wrestling accusations. He probably has skeletons in his closest and will roll over to keep it covered up.

Happening Now: Judge Cannon has denied Jack Smith’s request to have Classified documents moved to DC. Smith claims that people in DC want the documents back. The Judge ruled he must keep them in Florida and present them to Trumps legal team.

This just proves what everyone already knows. Jack Smith wants everything in DC because he knows the swamp will help him “get” Trump. It’s nice to see that some Judges in this country still have morals.

I can’t wait until this is over and they’re all left exposed as the crooks they are. Donald Trump is being persecuted by a corrupt justice system and everyone knows it.
Bannon said on War Room that its being reported he's giving 6B to Ukraine and 10B to Israel. He said he wasn't able to confirm but those numbers are being floated around. Someone came out saying that is not true, but in my opinion, Jordan will give to both Ukraine and Israel. And he'll do another CR.

They really got to Jordan with the Ohio State wrestling accusations. He probably has skeletons in his closest and will roll over to keep it covered up.
Ukraine will get their 100B for this coming year. Israel will get 10B for munitions.

Slava America!

Paul Newman Explains Back In 1983 How The Truth Doesn’t Really Matter To The US Government. They’ll Always Create An Exaggerated Enemy To Justify Wars For Profit & Ignore Crimes Of Other Nations They Can’t Profit Off Of

“It's really interesting. How can you paralyze a response? You've got 50,000 nuclear warheads how even if you reduced them by twenty five to what would be paralyzed about it i mean you mac namarra said give me two hundred warheads that's all i need the other thing i'd like to address you know the whole psychology of this is you don't trust the russians you know that that that has been so built up in our psyche and and someone mentioned the uh... the korean airliner uh... the korean airliner was shot down there was a lot of human cry and moral outrage and In 1978 or 79, the Israelis shot down a Libyan civilian aircraft because it violated Israeli airspace.

President Nixon sent a wire to Gaddafi and to Sadat apologizing for this incident. There was no talk about it going into the United Nations.

The International Pilots' Association had their meeting. There were 102 nations that voted to condemn Israel voted not to and the American representative abstained. Why? Because we couldn't create an enemy there. But when the Soviets shoot down an airliner, the same situation, we rise in moral outrage against this act. What is the difference? Because it's insistent, we must insist that the Soviets have got to be created as an enemy. Otherwise, if they're not really a big enough enemy, how are we going to get appropriations for more arms?

I'd like to get into the other area. I'm sorry if this is a speech and you don't like them, but people keep talking about national security and we gotta be tough and we gotta be strong. Okay, we're tough and we're strong and we've released all these missiles now, the intermediate range missile, the Pershing 2, and we're gonna have more Tridents 2 in the Soviet. And what was the Soviet response? The Soviet response is to put cruise missile into attack submarines and put more of them off our coast.

Now, if someone's gonna tell me Well, I don't know. It's a whole ballgame that I don't understand. If Russia is on the short end of the stick as far as nuclear has to concern, why aren't the Russians more willing to negotiate? Why would they walk out? Look, right? What? What? Just one, one, one last shot and then I'll quit, alright?

A month ago, there was a little article in the New York Times about Clark being moved over to the Interior. One of the things that they said that this bothered the critics because his confidence .. Judge William Clark, National Security Advisor, moved to Interior to replace Jim White. Yes. He was a Supreme Court judge in the state of California. He had relatively few, no credentials. And they were nervous about that. And that had been heightened since the President had spoken to about 30 congressmen and had said that he had just realized that the bulk of the Soviet arsenal was in heavy land-based missiles. And therefore, it might have seemed a little one-sided on our part that we had called for the dismantling of these things. Now, wait a second, guys. Let's go back and look at that.

That the President of the United States had just realized that the bulk of the Soviet arsenal was in land-based missiles? So, it raises the question, have we been negotiating fairly with the Soviets on anything that would make any sense. The other point too is, SALT II was agreed to by the Russians and as you know, and our Senate has failed to ratify. So that doesn't make it right or wrong, it's just that we can't say we don't trust the Russians and then negotiate two important arms limitation agreements with them

You either can trust them & you negotiate or you don't trust them & we'll arm ourselves to the teeth. What is trust? Can somebody explain to me what trust has to do with this?”

Israel gets a pass, Listen to this one! I can’t transcribe it all due to X’s text limits
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After following your posts for a bit it seems like you just want to control how other people believe and act (including those who don’t even identify as christians).

We have bigger problems in this world than men wanting to respect women and other people via “servant leadership”.
No. I am saying this guy is 100% wrong we should pursue servant leadership. I am saying that young men follow influencers instead of the Church is that they are not regenerate Christians and still love their sin.

We should tell these young men that they are not Christian and they they are NOT reconciled to God. In fact, they are their own personal god.

The message of Jesus was not self actualization. It is not being your best you.

His message was servant leadership. His message was as in Matthew 16:24-25:

[24] Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. [25] For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

That is not what young men want to hear, but we should be telling them this and not trying to compete with the garbage that influencers are telling them.

Tell them the hard facts.

The life of Christ was a relentless fulfillment of his mission on the Cross. Christ suffered why do you kid expect to be different.
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No. I am saying this guy is 100% wrong we should pursue servant leadership. I am saying that young men follow influencers instead of the Church is that they are not regenerate Christians and still love their sin.

We should tell these young men that they are not Christian and they they are NOT reconciled to God. In fact, they are their own personal god.

The message of Jesus was not self actualization. It is not being your best you.

His message was servant leadership. His message was as in Matthew 16:24-25:

[24] Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. [25] For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

That is not what young men want to hear, but we should be telling them this and not trying to compete with the garbage that influencers are telling them.

Tell them the hard facts.

The life of Christ was a relentless fulfillment of his mission on the Christ. Christ suffered why do you kid expect to be different.
Too many people posting about “soy boys”. It’s gets in people’s heads and warps their perception of what is desirable so they end up feeling the need assert their “manhood”.
“Scripture” is flawed. It is the creation of man and all men are imperfect.

This is why no religion should be the basis for any policy. They are all just man made tools for control.

Have a personal relationship with the Lord and ask him into your heart. That is all that matters on judgement day.
you have no earthly idea what scripture is about or what context it is meant to read in. ZERO
STFU before I find you

Fn Imagine being so Fucking weak and dumb that you take this and make up a false context to use. Youre why there are problems. You and people like you. Id beat your ass if we met. I dont believe youre a Christian at all. Youre a fake lying cheating piece of trash. You damn well know what hes saying and you try to make up a false narrative as grounds for you to use as a reason. Youre a bitch and deserve your place on life's totem pole. Right at the bottom.

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