Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
I’m also in the Bentonville area. Work for a supplier. I totally agree with you that this place is great. I grew up in Georgia and miss it sometimes...but NWA has become home for sure.
I’ve lived in Springdale twice in the last 20 years and moved back to Lubbock almost two years ago. I miss NWA a bunch but the difference between living there in 2000 vs 2016 was night and day. A lot of the people moving in for Walmart have kinda changed the place. A bunch of liberals there now. Most of them in Bentonville or Fayetteville, but you can see their influence in all of NWA. Parents moved into my house there the day we moved out so I still go up quite often to check on them.
To be clear, I love all of our aggy patriots in this thread. All other aggys (including the sister of my Red Raider wife), not so much.

aggy "cadet" vs some SMU cheeleaders from the 70s/80s. Yes, that is a dude pulling his fucking sword on some competing cheerleaders.
Notice the swordsman kicked the cheerleader in the 'nads while brandishing the sword as a weapon but it was the cheerleader defending himself whom the policeman grabbed.
This has been bugging the shit out of me for some reason. The wife, no pics, brought out the video of Biden talking about agreeing with his granddaughter about how different the capitol response would be if it was blm protestors and at the end of the clip he said "I hope now we're sensitized to what now needs to happen" or something to that effect. The conservative purge on social media began shortly after.

Did anyone else catch that or is there more to that statement that puts it in context? I cannot listen to those fucknuts too long without losing my shit so I won't find and watch the full clip. I would post the video I'm talking about but I'm a computer idiot and would probably screw it up.
Ok I've been giving our Aggies friends grief.

Actually most I know are good peeps!

Sadly The University of Texas at Austin is now a liberal cesspool.

Aggies is the more conservative school and full of Patriots.

If I had my own kids would "consider" letting them go to atm only for that reason.

But only if they would shed their "Cult Traditions" and just be "normal" patriots.


Lmao wtf did Sean Hannity do?
Olive Garden made my list of never go to again places many years before this. In the last year I've added numerous restaurants and businesses to that list due to their virus restrictions. It's one thing to comply with illogical government edicts. It's another thing to be assholes about it. I added Dairy Queen to the list on Friday.
I know several of you have deactivated twatter, but it's actually hilarious seeing all the MAGAs who changed their profile picture to mirror Trump's. Master level trolling underway. Also, I told fluffer that everyone knows he's gay, he can stop pretending. I'm no quitter, I'm gonna go out in a blaze of glory.

Even our girl is rocking the new profile pic. 😍

Grinnell vs. Fluffer in a knockdown, who would get licked?
Sawadee krap you bunch of deplorables. I was :( about 12 hrs ago but this board gave me a second wind. Thanks to all you patriots!
Just curious are you posting from "The Land of Smiles"? One of my favorite places in the world. If they could lower the temperature about 10 degrees and eliminate half the cars, Bangkok would be a perfect city. Sigh, now I'll think about how much I miss Thailand all day.
I believe that was the plan/deal. Ride his coattails & run your mouth until it counts, then quietly back away when it matters & hope no one notices.

Once orange-man-bad is gone, then start screaming again for election reform. Loyalty & integrity are nonexistent with these people. I hope they pay for it.
Controlled opposition like many so called conservatives as well as Fox News.
I can't stand the Ole Miss homeboard; however, the guys running it create some great content and are pretty well connected when it comes to crootin' and coaching searches. They've expanded their business this year to include about a half dozen podcast/live stream series that play on YouTube, Podbean, maybe others free of charge. So I'm basically paying for daily recruiting nuggets of kids updating their Twat statuses. Rivals can suck it, but I feel a little loyalty to Neal and Chase over there...both pretty damn reasonable mods (fairly moderate/center right, I'd guess) who just move politics threads to a sub forum to not clutter sports. Neal hates masks, thinks covid/lib hysteria both dumb as shit. There was also a cardiologist who did DAILY covid analysis of his own for months with lots of articles and studies the average schmuck wouldn't take the time to find to add to his updates. Kept me very sane in the early months of March-May following that Doctor, while seeing the garbage fear porn being shoved in the public's face. I felt like we had a world class resource to sanity there, and it made my inner brain gears pick up traction to seeing the bigger picture that is understood in this place.
Same. Won’t leave RG due to Neal and Chase.
Lin’s got the crazy meter up high early on this fine Sunday - quite the day to arrest the pope!

Just curious are you posting from "The Land of Smiles"? One of my favorite places in the world. If they could lower the temperature about 10 degrees and eliminate half the cars, Bangkok would be a perfect city. Sigh, now I'll think about how much I miss Thailand all day.
One of several things in life I regret is not taking a job offer to work in Thailand just out of college.
Lin’s got the crazy meter up high early on this fine Sunday

He is either one crazy mother fvcker or he has lost his mind. There is no in between at this point.

Edit: or he is absolutely telling us the truth.
for tMB epic departures ..... last night we had a few,

had some Ghey porn; some screaming and f-bombing the Mods and a few Trolls, solid epic stuff

For any of you, on your last night out - do it late in the evening, or close to midnight -
as the Mods are asleep it appears.

Last nights' Gay Porn lasted like 4 hours up til 5am before they found it and deleted it,
was instant classic, thread got to like 2 - 3 pages too,
Good times, as tMB crashes and burns....
Shit this guy is literally admitting it! Why is it so hard for our leaders to haul people like this in to testify under oath what they were a part of?
Because our sorry arse “leaders” choose not to. There are 2 legal systems in the US now.

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