Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I'll take "What treason will get you for $500 Alex"

I suspect they tried him in a military courts martial and after a guilty verdict gave him a year to get his affairs in order.

So he 'suddenly' gets a glioblastoma diagnosis and a 'scar' where they attempted to operate on an 'inoperable' condition and the day after he stops treatment, dies.
His reported time of death down to the minute was known at least a month before it happened.
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How many of you think George W knew all along the real truth about the Obamas...and like a good member of the Big Club, he kept his mouth shut about it?

But he was more than happy to try to take down Donald Trump and - just last month - Texas AG Ken Paxton.

Its a big club...and we ain't in it.

But George W. and his whole rotten family are.

The fact I was suckered by the Bush family and the UniParty Big Club into supporting 2 Forever Wars is a regret I will take to my grave.

It takes a good man to admit that. I wish a lot more could do it.
I'm very proud of the Roanoke women standing up as a team and saying NO. Max wanted to go, but had class. More than a few of his teammates were there supporting the women.

Max called me today and said they all got an email basically saying they support all athletes. Well.....there might have been more than a few replies that the powers that be support one mediocre male athlete above all female athletes. I'm proud to say the biggest backlash (and support for the women) came from the male athletes.

Athletes respect athletes.

Geezus...can you imagine the carnage on the field if Max suddenly felt a little girly and decided to play women's lacrosse? (He plays and hits fucking hard and fast. There was a reason he had to decide if he was going to play lax or fb (or, in one case, both) We're talking women getting flat out killed on the field. But how dare you question his identity! Those ladies are unsupportive bigots suffering from internalized misogeny ..or something as equally stupid. And Max (with 3 older sisters) is somehow a mysoginist because he refuses to light up a girl. 🙄

This shit is beyond stupid.

But men are standing up for the women. As they should.

I asked him what backlash the ladies would be facing from the alphabet groups. He laughed. Nothing. They'll kinda talk but they're a bunch of whiny bitches that won't get much traction and are easily shut down. And they're about to learn the whole lesson of slow your roll. Not happening.

That happens when a huge number of your students play a sport.
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True the Vote Files Affidavit in Trump Georgia Case – Testimony Confirms Brad Raffensperger Lied to President Trump in Jan. 2, 2021 Phone Call – Now True the Vote Is Being Sued – PLEASE DONATE BELOW​

By Jim Hoft Oct. 6, 2023

Catherine Engelbrecht at True the Vote sent out this letter on Friday.

True the Vote recently published a report titled The Aftermath on the organization’s broader work in Georgia before, during, and after the 2020 presidential election.

The Aftermath focused on the impact the dirty voter rolls had on the 2020 election. Following the report Democrat hitman Marc Elias filed a lawsuit against True the Vote for their efforts to clean up the voter rolls in Georgia. The Biden DOJ recently joined the Elias case against True the Vote.

in today’s email True the Vote included their written affidavit that confirms Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger lied to President Trump during their phone call on Jan. 2, 2021.






^^cue the climate activists^^

Those are not wealthy middle schools. They are large public middle schools in Manhattan. My kids each went to one of them. Wagner is quite possibly the largest middle school in America. They have fucked up the schools so bad here in the name of equity that they are diluting performance. The biggest issue now is that they are dropping illegal kids that don’t speak English into schools and fucking up the ability of kids to focus. My neighbors poor kid got into a terrible high school because of the equity bullshit, was immediately put in 12th grade accelerated English and even that class has 10 kids that don’t speak English. She says they are unruly.

My younger kid got into a strong screened academic high school and the strongest academic and performing arts high school. So there is zero chance that will drop in illegals.

If they really wanted to fix this, they would put all of those kids into one school K-12 and have bilingual teachers throughout the school. But they won’t because muh diversity, as if NYC is not already diverse enough.
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