Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Fucking Dumb Bad-Dental Hygiene Brits Have Run Out of Weapons

View attachment 202013

seems the proxy war is draining everyone


Confess your sin to Jesus

Ask Him to come into your heart and save you

Mean it

Read the KJV Holy Bible and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you about what you’re reading

Pray endlessly every day and have a relationship with Christ as if he’s your brother, friend, father, family member - which ever role you’d like.

Pray to the Holy Father (God the Father, Father God, Lord God, etc), but always in the name of Jesus

This is what was intended by the cross on Calvary.

The Catholic Church has been infiltrated by the Enemy… It is gone…
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“I don’t see how they can really be part of a conference when they come on the inside, listen to what is going on, and then going outside and lob bombs into the middle,” Joyce said on CNN’s “Inside Politics.” “It’s a waste of time having conversations with these people.”

Georgia Rep. Austin Scott added, “Those eight people are anarchists, and they’re chaos caucus members.”

“The ability for one person to vacate the speaker of the House will keep a chokehold on this body through 2024,” the business-centric Main Street Group said in a statement on Wednesday. “Any candidate for speaker must explain to us how what happened on Tuesday will never happen again.”

Even Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who is typically reluctant to weigh in on the often messy affairs of the House, encouraged Republicans to get rid of the tool.

“I have no advice to give to House Republicans except one – I hope whoever the next speaker is gets rid of the motion to vacate,” McConnell said. “I think it makes the speaker’s job impossible. The American people expect us to have a functioning government.”
“I don’t see how they can really be part of a conference when they come on the inside, listen to what is going on, and then going outside and lob bombs into the middle,” Joyce said on CNN’s “Inside Politics.” “It’s a waste of time having conversations with these people.”

Georgia Rep. Austin Scott added, “Those eight people are anarchists, and they’re chaos caucus members.”

“The ability for one person to vacate the speaker of the House will keep a chokehold on this body through 2024,” the business-centric Main Street Group said in a statement on Wednesday. “Any candidate for speaker must explain to us how what happened on Tuesday will never happen again.”

Even Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who is typically reluctant to weigh in on the often messy affairs of the House, encouraged Republicans to get rid of the tool.

“I have no advice to give to House Republicans except one – I hope whoever the next speaker is gets rid of the motion to vacate,” McConnell said. “I think it makes the speaker’s job impossible. The American people expect us to have a functioning government.”
Amazon product ASIN B09MZQVFBK
^^morons, freaking morons^^

Tulsi Gabbard
The fact it’s controversial for the English Prime Minister to say “a man is a man, a woman is a woman. It’s just common sense.” shows how crazy society has become. Without objective truth, we remove all the guardrails of our society, and the truth becomes whatever someone believes it is.




Coal fired plants. Everyone should restart theirs. It's idiocy to not produce electricity with the costs being so high.

Co-op electrical companies are from the Devil. Those living a couple of miles from me and are on a Co-op are paying 5 times what I pay monthly.

You know what I’m sick and tired of?

The ZERO accountability of anyone involved in the outrageous and blatant criminal and corrupt enterprise that our Nation’s Capitol has become. People in government, especially career politicians, have criminalized government service.

The DEMs, the Republicans, the establishment, the bureaucracy, etc…it’s that deep and that bad.

From the article: “The request for the briefing escaped public and media notice for two years and is now the earliest known evidence of intervention by Biden DOJ officials into the Hunter Biden case.”

Trust me, it gets much worse!
Trump openly having an election stolen from him in broad daylight: not chaos

Two utterly fake impeachments of Trump over Ukraine & then 'inciting an iNsuReCkShUn': not chaos

Out of control DA's trying to either send Trump to prison for 700 years for contesting that election theft legally and lawfully, or attempting to use civil courts to seize and liquidate all his assets: not chaos.

J6 people being locked up for years & held without trial, then sentenced to long prison terms: not chaos

A wide open border with human/drug/sex/organ trafficking increasing to mind boggling levels: not chaos

Printing money like mofos and inflation going through the roof while energy production in suppressed: not chaos

A weaponized DOJ/FBI & local law enforcement indicting a former President 4 times on bullshit charges, plus a fake Special Counsel investigation after raiding that President's home: not chaos

Federal officials lying to the public with increasing desperation about COVID 19 origins and the vaccines & masks for going on 3 years: not chaos

Federal gov't getting caught red handed illegally censoring millions of Americans by strong arming social media companies behind the scenes in a massive Censorship Regime making use of dozens of well funded NGOs: not chaos

Shipping the most corrupt regime in Eastern Europe $120 billion taxpayer dollars while our country literally is being reduced to a shithole: not chaos.

Defund-the-police Soros DA's & Mayors literally turning their cities into violent crime war zones: not chaos.

But THIS FUCKING CAREER POLITICIAN who kept breaking his word and going behind his own coalition's back to do deals to grease all the right skids so all this fucking BUSINESS AS USUAL could continue loses his job and all of a sudden certain "Conservative" [Inc.] people are wailing about how 'chaos' has broken out, and how outrageous and unsustainable our present situation is?


You're not fooling anybody who's been paying attention.

Boom 💥
View attachment 202149
^^morons, freaking morons^^

View attachment 202150

Here come the masks and lockdowns again.

Didn't Walter, the CDC, FDA and others say recently that masks were never mandated? I was watching Ice Airport Alaska last night. On the wall at the ticket counter was a big sign saying "Masks are mandated per Federal Law">
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