Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
^^poor fat meatball^^


A former advisor to camelluh?? What could go wrong here. Just another addition to joe's carnival acts.

Breaking: Ukraine Surrendering. The end approaches.

Special radio frequency being used so that Ukrainian soldiers can safely surrender to Russian forces.

Prepare for #Zelensky to run before capture.

Thousands of Ukrainian soldiers are opting to surrender to the Russian Army. These surrenders were seen even through a newly established Russian radio frequency. Clayton Morris, an American journalist, expressed his astonishment and said, This is a story the western media does not want you to see.

Now, if the US Congress surrenders and stops the transfer of taxpayer money to the well-connected and off shore bank account funding of politicians.

^^what a moron^^

Let them camp out in Vatican City. This Pope is from the Devil.

Nice AI images of Norman Rockwell painting modern America

Oberlin College, whom refuses to pay the$36 million judgement to the baker is now refusing to return a stolen painting from a Jewish holocaust victim. They returned artwork to the Indians.

11th Circuit Court halts grants to the Black-Women Only grsnts program.

Trump - I Won Three Times, But I don’t want to Take Credit for the Second One - This will be Bigger than the Traditional Way

What does he mean when he says that?

“I was thinking the other day, I was with a group of people and they said, if we do this, it’s much bigger that if we had done it the more traditionally.. Because people see how bad they’ve been.”

I AM You Commander in Chief and the diseased corrupt temple that is falling, needs to fall, but not “officially” on my watch, but under Joe Biden’s, in order to justify what happens next.

I had to show the people!

It's pretty straightforward.

He won the 2020 election and anyone with an ounce of critical thinking capability gets it.

Breaking: Ukraine Surrendering. The end approaches.

Special radio frequency being used so that Ukrainian soldiers can safely surrender to Russian forces.

Prepare for #Zelensky to run before capture.

Thousands of Ukrainian soldiers are opting to surrender to the Russian Army. These surrenders were seen even through a newly established Russian radio frequency. Clayton Morris, an American journalist, expressed his astonishment and said, This is a story the western media does not want you to see.


BREAKING: A whistleblower from Barack Obama's late chef Tafari Campbell's family has reportedly come forward revealing that at the time of his mysterious drowning at the Obamas' Martha's Vineyard estate, Campbell had been working on a TELL-ALL book to expose the misdeeds of the Obamas. He is also said to have had a years-long sexual relationship with the former President. This comes at a time shortly after Larry Sinclair, a homosexual man alleges that he smoked crack and had an affair with Obama in 1999. It also fits a similar pattern to a little known case of a man named Donald Young, a member of Obama's church who allegedly had a years-long intimate relationship with him. In the heat of his 2008 campaign, the night before Young was set to come forward to the American public to expose Obama, he was mysteriously shot and murdered in cold blood in what was later deemed to be "a home invasion" in Chicago. No suspect was ever charged with his murder. This is a MAJOR revelation and it appears that the truth about Barack Obama is finally coming to the mainstream of the American public. This begs the question: What really happened to Tafari Campbell, Obama's chef and Donald Young? They deserve justice.

Remember when a Democrat congressman pulled a fire alarm on Capitol Hill and claimed that he was just trying to open a door and then a bunch of people in media circled the wagons and insisted that, yes, doors are actually very confusing and his actions were totally reasonable when you consider how mysterious doors can often be.

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