Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Ladies and Gentlemen whatever you may think about the spectacle of #Trudeau and #Freeland parading a Nazi around in Canadas Parliament one thing is clear;

The world has a Nazi problem.......again!

The world’s most prominent “Nazi hunter” has condemned Justin Trudeau and the Canadian government supporting Nazism and training neo-Nazi fighters in Ukraine, declaring that governments and media across the West are misleading the public when they claim Ukraine is not overrun by Nazis.

There is a Nazi descendant and World Economic Forum member in Canada's Government.

BREAKING: Poland is now seeking extradition of Yaroslav Hunka, the 98-year-old Nazi who "fought Russia" and received a standing ovation from the Canadian Parliament—including Justin Trudeau and Volodymyr Zelensky—to stand trial in Poland for war crimes.

This comes as Canada’s speaker of the house, Anthony Rota, resigned from the House of Commons after declaring Hunka “a Ukrainian hero, a Canadian hero..."

Hunka served with the First Ukrainian Division, which was previously known as the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the Nazi Party’s Schutzstaffel (SS) military branch.

Absolute humiliation for Canada.

This Nazi scandal is not an isolated incident. Western Liberalism has many characteristics of Nazism:

-Mass propaganda
-Censoring journalists/scientists
-Forced medical experimentation
-Nefarious biological research
-Arresting political opposition
-Ambitions of global hegemony

Same ideology, different name.

And before anyone says “Nazis we’re Right-wing!”, this is revisionist history. The Nazis were quite literally Socialists. Their name was literally “The National Socialist Worker’s Party”.

They supported government control of the private sector. They supported government control of everything. But because the Nazis were Nationalist, the Left have gaslit the public to associate Nazism to Conservatism, which is a lie.

They Left want you to believe the Nazis were Right-wing because it’s convenient for them. Just as they did with the KKK and the Southern Democrats who supported slavery. It was the Republican Party, led by Republican Abraham Lincoln, who voted unanimously to abolish slavery. Then the Left told you “the parties switched”, which of course was yet another massive lie.

The Left-wing ideology has always been totalitarian and Fascistic. Hell they have their own “Brown Shirts” equivalent in ANTIFA/BLM, who use physical intimidation and violence to suppress their political opposition, and face zero consequences for burning, looting, assault, murder, inciting riots, etc.

This Nazi scandal isn’t just some accident. It’s literally their ideology. This is who they are. This is who they have always been. It’s just becoming more obvious.


Great point here. Alan West at DFW, watching groups of illegals with packets flying to wherever, most if not all without verifiable ID'S or passports. How?? A big Fvck you to Americans
That's not a cloud or vapor trail from a plane. This is a chemical trail coming down to the ground were air from anything moving will disburse it. There wasn't enough air movement up higher where it was released, they screwed up and now their cought. Testing on shit like this has to take place independently so the government can't come in a seize the information and threaten the testers. WE NEED TO KNOW WHAT WE'RE BEING POISONED WITH.
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@Joe King

Ladies and Gentlemen whatever you may think about the spectacle of #Trudeau and #Freeland parading a Nazi around in Canadas Parliament one thing is clear;

The world has a Nazi problem.......again!

The world’s most prominent “Nazi hunter” has condemned Justin Trudeau and the Canadian government supporting Nazism and training neo-Nazi fighters in Ukraine, declaring that governments and media across the West are misleading the public when they claim Ukraine is not overrun by Nazis.

There is a Nazi descendant and World Economic Forum member in Canada's Government.


Instead of controlling the means of production or redistributing wealth to build a utopian society, the Nazis focused on safeguarding a social and racial hierarchy. They promised solidarity for members of the Volksgemeinschaft (“racial community”) even as they denied rights to those outside the charmed circle.

Additionally, while the Nazis tried to appeal to voters across the spectrum, the party’s founders and initial base were small-business men and artisans, not the industrial proletariat of Marxist lore. Their first notable electoral successes were in small towns and Protestant rural areas in present-day Thuringia and Saxony, among voters suspicious of cosmopolitan, secular cities who associated both “socialism” and“capitalism” with Jews and foreigners.

Those outside Germany who embraced Nazi ideas were also generally anti-leftists. When Frenchmen murmured “Better Hitler than [Socialist Party Leader and Prime Minister Léon] Blum,” they were well aware what National Socialism represented, and it was most emphatically not “socialism.”

Unlike much of the European left, many conservatives proved willing to work with Nazis — something they later regretted — an association that tainted postwar European conservatism. When it came time to rebuild European politics after the war, therefore, it fell to center-left parties such as Labour in Britain, the Socialists in France and the SPD in Germany, which abandoned rigid Marxist doctrines, alongside the new center-right movement of Christian Democracy, which rejected traditional nationalism, to take up the challenge. This was the hour of the welfare state, supported by social and Christian Democrats, which encouraged social solidarity within a democratic and capitalist framework.
Clown show.

The head of the Pentagon asked the Russian military not to hunt for Abrams tanks, MK correspondents report his words.“A repetition of the situation with German Leopard tanks, when they were hunted, is unacceptable, I saw these calls on the Internet. Play by the rules,” US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin


Please Don’t Expose Us to the World
Stick to Solving Rubik’s Cubes & Sit This One Out Charlie
Did you ever serve? Do you have any idea what PO3 means or OOD or even SN?

Do you think our military is flying our flag upside down to signal distress?

Or would it make more sense that some retarded kids that have only been serving since breakfast fucked up?

You should stick to posting pictures of your cheap hookers, and stop thinking some goofy ass video that’s 17 seconds long is some confirmation for whatever world events you think is taking place.
Clown show.

The head of the Pentagon asked the Russian military not to hunt for Abrams tanks, MK correspondents report his words.“A repetition of the situation with German Leopard tanks, when they were hunted, is unacceptable, I saw these calls on the Internet. Play by the rules,” US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin


Please Don’t Expose Us to the World
You’re a literal retard. Stick to hookers.
Did you ever serve? Do you have any idea what PO3 means or OOD or even SN?

Do you think our military is flying our flag upside down to signal distress?

Or would it make more sense that some retarded kids that have only been serving since breakfast fucked up?

You should stick to posting pictures of your cheap hookers, and stop thinking some goofy ass video that’s 17 seconds long is some confirmation for whatever world events you think is taking place.
Clown show.

The head of the Pentagon asked the Russian military not to hunt for Abrams tanks, MK correspondents report his words.“A repetition of the situation with German Leopard tanks, when they were hunted, is unacceptable, I saw these calls on the Internet. Play by the rules,” US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin

Why did I immediately think of this, Austin



That is everything Deon has never been about. He isn’t going to change and is definitely not the personality for everyone. Like him or hate him, I’m this is who he is and will Always be. I prefer a guy like Leipold myself but get the draw to Prime time that some have.
What he is doing every week has little to do with each game this season. He is marketing to the next transfer portal.

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