Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
A prosecutor wrote in a court filing that their military service, while laudable, makes their conduct “all the more troubling.”

“Under other circumstances, that service would be incredibly laudable,” a prosecutor, Madison Mumma, told the judge. “At best, it shouldn’t be credited at all.”

Reyes said she agreed with prosecutors that Hellonen’s status as an active-duty Marine does not weigh in favor of a more lenient sentence.

A strong showing of sympathy from that judge for a guy who knew what he was doing was a violation of his oath and citizenship.
"When you add it all up, I mean, there were examples of suggested— where they were told to remove the subject’s name from certain documents and DOJ officials said: ‘well, it’ll get us most of the information we’re looking for’; the statute of limitations were specifically allowed to lapse; certain types of investigative actions were prohibited or delayed; the investigative team was excluded from certain meetings that in their own mind they weren’t felt they were ordinarily excluded from," the majority counsel said.

"When you add all these up, I mean, isn’t it difficult to say that there wasn’t political favoritism?"

The agent responded: "When I add that up, and as I am trying to understand what may have happened before I arrive, and just what little bit I know of the folks presently, I don’t surmise that it had political affiliation."

Instead, the agent attributed it to the probe "being very deliberate," which the agent said was characteristic of the Delaware attorney general's office.

If this continues Congress won’t have any choice but to pass legislation legalizing abortion on national security grounds.

It goes almost without saying that this is not good news for the already declining birthrates in the U.S. According to research from Pew, birthrates in the U.S. had been falling since the early 2000s and plummeted during the Covid pandemic. Fertility rates briefly rebounded after the pandemic but now, post-Dobbs, they have dropped again.

Should this trend continue, the reluctance of young women to have children now will have vast and long-term consequences for the American economy and fabric of the nation. Falling birth rates can affect everything from tax revenue to labor force participation, schools, housing, elder care and more.
A prosecutor wrote in a court filing that their military service, while laudable, makes their conduct “all the more troubling.”

“Under other circumstances, that service would be incredibly laudable,” a prosecutor, Madison Mumma, told the judge. “At best, it shouldn’t be credited at all.”

Reyes said she agreed with prosecutors that Hellonen’s status as an active-duty Marine does not weigh in favor of a more lenient sentence.

A strong showing of sympathy from that judge for a guy who knew what he was doing was a violation of his oath and citizenship.

Where do you live? You need a visit
Where do you live? You need a visit

No motherfucker. You need a visit. You need an ass beating and if I can’t be there I know people who can. I’m fine with a different POV. But you fucking laughing at people dying in Maui, service members dying because of incompetence, acting like child trafficking is a joke, and cheering the death of people’s in Ukraine and Russia is a mother fucking line crossed too far.

Where the fuck do you live? Don’t make me dox your sorry fucking ass. You are one sorry ass piece of fucking shit that needs eliminated and guess what. Killing evil isn’t against the Lord. I’m done with your fucking shit and disrespect for human life.

All you had to do was have some common decency. Instead, you chose to be an inflammatory POS and incite some violence. So where the fuck do you live mother fucker? I have no tolerance left for people like you and many here are in the same boat.

If you want to have respectable debates and dialogue, awesome. But you have not exhibited that in any way. Fuck you bitch.

No motherfucker. You need a visit. You need an ass beating and if I can’t be there I know people who can. I’m fine with a different POV. But you fucking laughing at people dying in Maui, service members dying because of incompetence, acting like child trafficking is a joke, and cheering the death of people’s in Ukraine and Russia is a mother fucking line crossed too far.

Where the fuck do you live? Don’t make me dox your sorry fucking ass. You are one sorry ass piece of fucking shit that needs eliminated and guess what. Killing evil isn’t against the Lord. I’m done with your fucking shit and disrespect for human life.

All you had to do was have some common decency. Instead, you chose to be an inflammatory POS and incite some violence. So where the fuck do you live mother fucker? I have no tolerance left for people like you and many here are in the same boat.

If you want to have respectable debates and dialogue, awesome. But you have not exhibited that in any way. Fuck you bitch.

You really shouldn’t threaten people online. It’s a violation of the terms of service for the website.

“You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws. You are entirely responsible for the content of, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.

Most importantly you don’t want to end up like that guy from Utah!
Hey, @LafesterMacintosh

Fuck you too.

I lost friends they stop lost for their illegal invasion. Guys who should have been home.

Amazon product ASIN 0312672098

But you motherfuckers want to be the most disrespectful shitbags ever. You have no skin in the game. Fuck you. I lost brothers. You support warmongering bullshit and haven’t actually dealt with your team (insert political party) real life consequences.
You really shouldn’t threaten people online. It’s a violation of the terms of service for the website.

“You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws. You are entirely responsible for the content of, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.

Most importantly you don’t want to end up like that guy from Utah!

What, you fed bitch? Fuck you and fuck the terms. Hope I get banned. Where do you live? You need dealt with. If you are allowed to do what you do then I’m allowed to to offer to deal with you. I’m not threading you. I’m promising to give you a new POV on life. It will be a rejuvenation of the gift of life
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But you motherfuckers want to be the most disrespectful shitbags ever. You have no skin in the game. Fuck you. I lost brothers. You support warmongering bullshit and haven’t actually dealt with your team (insert political party) real life consequences.
You shouldn’t assume what other people have or haven’t lost.

What you interpret to be “disrespectful” via the provided reactions of the website is your problem. Nobody is laughing at Maui victims or child trafficking but there is plenty to laugh at when people suggest wild conspiracy theories.

“Muh directed energy weapons”
“Muh Ukraine”

If you want people to take posts seriously then making sure they aren’t verifiably false or posted from convicted child predators like Scott Ritter would be a good place to start.
You shouldn’t assume what other people have or haven’t lost.

What you interpret to be “disrespectful” via the provided reactions of the website is your problem. Nobody is laughing at Maui victims or child trafficking but there is plenty to laugh at when people suggest wild conspiracy theories.

“Muh directed energy weapons”
“Muh Ukraine”

If you want people to take posts seriously then making sure they aren’t verifiably false or posted from convicted child predators like Scott Ritter would be a good place to start.

No, you used the emoji to laugh at victims. Fuck you. Many of us saw it. And you post demonstrably false shit daily and get called out. Fuck you again. Oh, and you’re an air guard bitch supposedly. Why would you laugh or show a smoking smile with an emoji about dead service members? The video is there showing that disrespectful fuck checking his watch.

Then don’t get me started on your laughs and eye rolls about trafficking. Fuck you again
Oh and this. You shouldn’t motherfucking laugh or roll your eyes at other peoples losses. Fucktard.
Suggesting Seth Rich was murdered by his government is eye roll level nonsense.

The same goes with the other two who were criminals trying to harm members of Congress and pointing guns at cops. That’s not murder, that is law & order.

Thanks for proving my point about how you’re interpreting site provided reactions.
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If everyone is a part of the swamp, which seems to be the radical right’s position these past 6 months, then what they’re really saying is that they want to burn down all of America’s institutions and society simply because they are unhappy (for God knows what reason).

It’s ok to love your country and the institutions the make up it’s identity. To vigorously defend such is the literal definition of patriotism.
Did you miss the Decoration of independence class in CIA/FBI school?
I graduated from Texas Tech, which is not known as “The Harvard of the South Plains” and I knew that we have the right to start over if we need to, but then again I had to get the What a Burger employee to use my mobile phone to purchase my savory meal (Sweet and Spicy burger) with my digital wallet. I also continue to have relations with a young lady, despite her Bat shit craziness because I enjoy her sweet White Hispanic sex vagina.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
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Quit talking about it and do something. Like most Congressmen, this has little to do with finding the money and punishing the offenders but everything to do with their own press ratings.
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I put my money where my mouth is. BTW, in case you forgot the other 100 times i told you this, I have never voted for Donald Trump. He is definitely not a god or deity to me that you can’t seem to understand despite being told over and over again. I know you know this. I am just making a bet. You are just making excuses because you know you won’t win the bet.
ETN (and Hoppo) is just like a liberal in this regard. If you aren’t on the same side as him (hating trump) then you MUST be at the complete other end of the spectrum (see trump as god). There is no middle ground. It’s quite pathetic.

SO LONG, MITT! 76-Year-Old Romney Won't Seek Re-Election, 'It's Time for a New Generation' [WATCH]​

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.13.23

This is what politicians say when they realize they don't stand a chance in Hades of being re-elected, due to their overwhelming unpopularity. Mitt's ego couldn't take the impending Liz Cheney- level landslide defeat if he were to run again.

Another one brought into the light and utterly destroyed by it.
Did you miss the Decoration of independence class in CIA/FBI school?
I graduated from Texas Tech, which is not known as “The Harvard of the South Plains” and I knew that we have the right to start over if we need to, but then again I had to get the What a Burger employee to use my mobile phone to purchase my savory meal (Sweet and Spicy burger) with my digital wallet. I also continue to have relations with a young lady, despite her Bat shit craziness because I enjoy her sweet White Hispanic sex vagina.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
That would require your government to be destructive & tyrannical which it isn’t. Not even close.

Furthermore, you would need a vast majority of the people to do so. Enough so that you could call a Constitutional Convention then have the new charter document passed by 3/4 of the state conventions in attendance.

Anything besides that is rebellion and should be treated as such. We don’t live under The Declaration of Independence as a charter / legal document. At this point it’s just a historical document no different than The Article of Confederation or The Magna Carta.
Why would I bet? The game is rigged. I just don't know in whose favor it's rigged at that point.

Iowa is the one primary it might be harder to cheat. But even then, do you trust the results?

Your deity certainly didn't in 2016. He claimed it was rigged. But then he claims everything is rigged if he doesn't win.
Bwahahaha, you're a clown. You don't even realize your own hypocrisy. Hopefully the bolded above helps you out a bit.
But you motherfuckers want to be the most disrespectful shitbags ever. You have no skin in the game. Fuck you. I lost brothers. You support warmongering bullshit and haven’t actually dealt with your team (insert political party) real life consequences.
@AmericanViking, that fuck stick isn’t worth your trouble. Ignore button is your friend.

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