The testimony by the first witness Trump's attorney John Eastman called to put on his side of the case in his disbarment trial has been nothing less than explosive. The trial ended for the day with more bombshells. He revealed that the Zuckbucks, $8.8 million from Zuckerberg's Center for Tech & Civic Life (CTCL) provided to Wisconsin's five large cities, violated the law. He said he doesn't call them "grants," he refers to it as "employment contracts," since the CTCL employees actually go work with the clerks' offices and get to see information about voters that the public can't access as easily (the public has to pay $12,500 for voter roll info, only gets a snapshot of that instant, and usually has to wait 4-5 days for it, so there's no way to determine whether someone was made active 2 weeks before the election then deactivated 2 weeks after the election). Also since if the clerks don't comply with CTCL's requirements, they have a huge penalty of giving money back. Those CTCL employees are able to determine if a voter was likely to vote for Trump or Biden. They were allowed to see voters who had requested ballots but hadn't returned them, then go chase them down to get their ballots. The CTCL employees were "embedded" in the clerks' offices and "running the elections." Yet the Zuckerbergs had made statements they wanted to defeat Trump. He also said votes were "illegally cast" that were dropped off in the drop boxes, since the drop boxes violated the law by not being placed near the clerks' offices - which the WI Supreme Court reaffimed; instead the clerks let CTCL dictate where they must be placed. The guy the Zuckerbergs hired to run this had written a book on how to defeat Trump, where he said the election would be won dueling it out block by block in these types of big cities.