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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Your Favorite Loan Officer
Dec 9, 2020
Almost Time for College Football - Hoping for a Better Performance From the OU Band This Year



Dec 1, 2020

Just HOURS after I began pressing the mayor of Maui SUPER hard about children missing from the fire, I began being stalked, harassed, and intimidated.This morning at 5:45 am, about 2 mins after I started my live shot with Steve Bannon on War Room while alone in the rear of my hotel, a stalker aggressively approached me from behind.My hotel is 45 minutes from Lahaina.I don’t know who this guy is or why he showed up to my hotel at 5:45 am. He would’ve had NO WAY of knowing I had a live shot scheduled.I’ve even received SEVERAL death threats from "anonymous" users (aka cowards) over the past days, and ESPECIALLY the last 12 hours.Although I now have to move hotels, get a new rental car, and possibly even HIRE SECURITY to travel around with me for my own safety, I WILL NOT BE DETERRED.If anything, I will be MORE vocal. Stalking and harassing me WILL backfire—I promise you that.I don't trust the Maui, Hawaii, or US governments. They're all lying. They know the truth, but they're hiding it from the public.— WHY IS THERE STILL A MASSIVE MEDIA BLACKOUT? — WHY DID THEY LIE ABOUT THE SIRENS?— WHY ARE RESIDENTS BANNED FROM VISITING THEIR HOMES?WHAT IS GOING ON HERE ON MAUI?


Jan 9, 2021

The problem is, woman are doing not a damn thing to stop it. In fact, woman by and large are voting to put these idiots into power to further this mentally deranged crap. Woman, stop voting for liberals. You are voting your way out of decades of well earned progress by doing so. In the end, It is going to take conservative men to put an end to this stuff….like it always does
Jul 1, 2023
Russia told you there were Nazis in Ukraine.

Russia told you the West was run by a sycophantic pack of Satanic Pedophiles.

Russia told you the dollar was a weapon of subjugation and international terror.

Russia told you the way into the future was the multi-polar world order.

Russia told you the only way to global peace was through the strength of cooperative sovereignty, mirroring the stances of John F. Kennedy and Donald Trump.

Russia is telling you the regime is about to spin up a new, manufactured wave of COVID hysteria in order to distract you from the collapse of their Globalist World Order.

As it turns out, Russia has a good track record of late ...

If by good record we mean liars and wrong about every then sure.


Dec 1, 2020
LOL, and the liberal Dem women see nothing wrong with this and want more of it. SMH

Transgender powerlifter crushes women's world record by 440 pounds!



Jan 8, 2021

Let’s build a “smart city” that has everything needed to survive on some remote island somewhere. It will have places to grow food, fresh water collection, etc. Then let’s put all the tards on it and let them build their utopia from the ground up minus the free infrastructure. Offer a free flight, moving services w/restrictions on amount and sizes of course, a tax bonus to move etc. They can establish their perfect government, literal utopia.

Then when the inevitable occurs….sorry……enjoy that utopia.

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