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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
I think is because of ND isn’t a big game for most teams or in the eyes of most fans. Wasn’t surprised the Gold Standard was listed 3 times.
@MortgageHorn @Pineapple @NDMBEACH @SmokeHouse423

Jul 1, 2023
Reports coming out that further Ukraine aid will be a part of a continuing resolution to fund the government. Both sides agree that further aid is necessary and that advanced weapons systems like ATACMS will be a part of this next deal.

The final number of aid is unclear but the low number is reported to be 20 billion with the CiC’s request being the top (24B). The votes in The House are there and Mitch believes Ukraine funding will be the most significant part of his legacy and is personally spearheading the effort.

Slava America! Slava Ukraini!
Jul 1, 2023
I bet he learns a good lesson from this one though.
What would that be?

He was doing nothing wrong. Even if he had continued straight through the intersection he still should have never been able to be hit because that guy should have been behind him in the turn lane if he wanted to turn.
Jul 1, 2023
Don't ride a bike on the highway. We don't share the road.
Didn’t look like a highway at all. It was clearly a residential street. The biker had every right to be there.

Hopefully the driver loses their license for the rest of their life for attempted vehicular homicide because after watching it again the driver appears to intentionally hit him.

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