Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Don't quietly walk out.

Call that woman what she is, a blasphemous apostate who better repent or she is destined to eternity in hell.

If men like you don't call out these Jezebelian women, do you think weaker men will?
“Depending on one’s background, and denomination (most often from a charismatic background) the meaning of Jezebel's spirit can differ. But we’ll go with the most overarching: A disposition, or demonic influence, that causes to create rifts in the church and in marriages through cunning, deception, and seduction.”

It's not me that runs to Maggie Habermann for validation, it's Trump. You have a problem with her, you need to take it up with him. Don Maga craves the acceptance of the NYT. Yet another Trump feature his acolytes can't explain or reconcile.

Your response will be a) crickets b) profanity, c) feign ignorance.
Listen here you Jiminy Cricket fucking fagit.
Why not hold Trump to this standard? Or any standard at all, for that matter.

A better question is why does Trump talk to her?


It’s almost like not everything in life needs to be partisan and hateful.

A novel idea to many in this thread so it seems.
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