Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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That's Only $7,586 an Acre - that's nothing - something is not adding up.

View attachment 193835
Where the F did she find that deal? 870 acres, ON MAUI, for $6.6M??? Comes to $7,600 an acre. I’m looking at land in east and central TN right now and finding 13 acres for $250,000 or roughly $19,200 an acre.

EDIT: I did not read that MortgageHorn had already done the math on it…
Some of you do not have a clue what is going on, you never will. You think if we go back to the 80s or the 90s things will be NORMAL. The current financial system has to and will collapse. Evil maintains control through central banks and fractional banking. One way or another it is all coming down and it will be either the good guys or the bad guys in control. I have no issue with what Trump did as it was going to happen one way or another. Anything to throw a wrench in theit timeline
Trump didn't throw a wrench in "their" timeline. He accelerated and further entrenched all of these ills you cite in the final year of his presidency.
For those who think it’s an absurd conspiracy theory that out government will set ablaze its citizens to further their agenda let me remind you of something;

They forced the population to take an experimental jab that causes cardiac failure in order to keep your job and to travel

They murdered 3000 innocent people on September 11 to introduce the Patriot Act and secure the petrodollar

They murdered 76 in WACO (80 totally including law enforcement) including women and children when the entire investigation was beyond the scope of the ATF

168 Americans were murdered at OKC Bombing to cover up investigations into the Clinton Foundation

Pearl Harbor was ALLOWED to happen to give the American government reason to go into the War to further the Military Industrial Complex

58 killed in Las Vegas shooting simply to extract a Saudi Prince

And millions of Americans who died in wars created from False Flags and pushed by the media for a political agenda

Still a conspiracy?

Allowing, encouraging, and actively instigating a fully preventable war in Ukraine, not giving a shit if 250k die so you can cover up bribes and whatever crimes we do and don’t know about, stealing money and paying off your warmongering cronies. At this point you have to convince me that our gov’t is not involved in all evil shit past and present. Nothing absolutely nothing is out of the realm of possibility.
Trump didn't throw a wrench in "their" timeline. He accelerated and further entrenched all of these ills you cite in the final year of his presidency.
There is no clearer sign that someone has taken the communist propaganda balls deep than by suggesting The Federal Reserve/ central banking are an “ill”.

Central banking gives The US immense power and has been objectively good for us and the world.
Allowing, encouraging, and actively instigating a fully preventable war in Ukraine, not giving a shit if 250k die so you can cover up bribes and whatever crimes we do and don’t know about, stealing money and paying off your warmongering cronies. At this point you have to convince me that our gov’t is not involved in all evil shit past and present. Nothing absolutely nothing is out of the realm of possibility.
Sure Vlad 🤣

@ETNVol @Hoppo

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

Your boy getting his asked kicked by a fat slob!

You mean the fat slob who was one of Trump's closest confidants until like 15 minutes ago?

You just reinforce that Trumpism is a cult with almost every post.

NEVER FORGET: CBS Breaks the News on Election Night that a Water Pipe Burst in State Farm Arena and Voting Will Be Delayed - WE ALL KNOW WHAT HAPPENED NEXT! (VIDEO)​

Some of you do not have a clue what is going on, you never will. You think if we go back to the 80s or the 90s things will be NORMAL. The current financial system has to and will collapse. Evil maintains control through central banks and fractional banking. One way or another it is all coming down and it will be either the good guys or the bad guys in control. I have no issue with what Trump did as it was going to happen one way or another. Anything to throw a wrench in theit timeline

You're living in a fantasy. Don Maga did more in 2020 to advance the globalists agenda than any person in history.

I agree, it's eventually going to collapse. What's comical is people who think 4d Chess Trump has this master plan, when he was so easily duped by Fauci & Co with covid, tricked into slaughtering and maiming millions of people. People ITT figured it out very early on, Trump still hasn't to this day. Trump might have been a bump in the road for the elites, but they turned him winning into their advantage with ease. His only core principle is himself. Name an issue, principle, conviction, look at Don Maga the last 10-15 years, and you'll find him on every side of it.
You're living in a fantasy. Don Maga did more in 2020 to advance the globalists agenda than any person in history.

I agree, it's eventually going to collapse. What's comical is people who think 4d Chess Trump has this master plan, when he was so easily duped by Fauci & Co with covid, tricked into slaughtering and maiming millions of people. People ITT figured it out very early on, Trump still hasn't to this day. Trump might have been a bump in the road for the elites, but they turned him winning into their advantage with ease. His only core principle is himself. Name an issue, principle, conviction, look at Don Maga the last 10-15 years, and you'll find him on every side of it.
MAGA's plan:

Phase 1: Lose every election
Phase 2: ?
Phase 3: Defeat deep state
You're living in a fantasy. Don Maga did more in 2020 to advance the globalists agenda than any person in history.

I agree, it's eventually going to collapse. What's comical is people who think 4d Chess Trump has this master plan, when he was so easily duped by Fauci & Co with covid, tricked into slaughtering and maiming millions of people. People ITT figured it out very early on, Trump still hasn't to this day. Trump might have been a bump in the road for the elites, but they turned him winning into their advantage with ease. His only core principle is himself. Name an issue, principle, conviction, look at Don Maga the last 10-15 years, and you'll find him on every side of it.
I’m gonna need you to provide proof you tranny fagit nigga

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