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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
You sound like a lib, exactly like lib talking points. It is unfortunate you cannot see through the lies. But my question is simple; why do you even post here anymore? You arent trolling you actually think what you are typing. No one is listening. Do you enjoy the attention? do you think god told you to come try to piss off some trump supporters. I could say the same thing about your man crush on Desantis. You really think that guy is not establishment? if you think he is any different from any Bush or most pubs before him then you are the one trapped in the matrix sir.

Hah, hardly. I point out the hypocristy of the maga cult. Desantis is their - and his - target. We get posts suggesting Trump is 30 or 40 points ahead, Desantis is finished, yet Trump and his social media team only stop posting about RD when he has to stop to address the latest charges. Where else are we supposed to look in politics but where are all the guns are aimed? Aimed at Trump, Biden, and undeniably Desantis. I don't believe we (Americans who want freedom) can still win this fight, but if there's a fight to be made, Trump isn't the one leading it.

To this point, Desantis is the highest ranking leader to stand up to the corp esg attempted takeover, claims to have a plan to clean most of the gov out of DC, he's staunch against abortion, and been at the forefront of stopping trans nonsense. Don Maga rarely addresses any of it, other than to criticize Desantis. Consider the Bud Lite fiasco. All of the boycott Bud Lite memes and posts ITT. The Trumps come along and white-knight for them. The Maga crowd doesn't blink. Trump is held to no standard at all. As Trump himself said, he could murder someone and it wouldn't matter to his supporters. Is that not Jim Jones-esque? OTOH, if Desantis comes out with a plan to raise taxes, cozies up the gay lobby (as maga has), etc, wants to ban AR15s ala Trump, I'd be done with him in a second. I see no such conviction on the Trump train.


Dec 10, 2020
Hah, hardly. I point out the hypocristy of the maga cult. Desantis is their - and his - target. We get posts suggesting Trump is 30 or 40 points ahead, Desantis is finished, yet Trump and his social media team only stop posting about RD when he has to stop to address the latest charges. Where else are we supposed to look in politics but where are all the guns are aimed? Aimed at Trump, Biden, and undeniably Desantis. I don't believe we (Americans who want freedom) can still win this fight, but if there's a fight to be made, Trump isn't the one leading it.

To this point, Desantis is the highest ranking leader to stand up to the corp esg attempted takeover, claims to have a plan to clean most of the gov out of DC, he's staunch against abortion, and been at the forefront of stopping trans nonsense. Don Maga rarely addresses any of it, other than to criticize Desantis. Consider the Bud Lite fiasco. All of the boycott Bud Lite memes and posts ITT. The Trumps come along and white-knight for them. The Maga crowd doesn't blink. Trump is held to no standard at all. As Trump himself said, he could murder someone and it wouldn't matter to his supporters. Is that not Jim Jones-esque? OTOH, if Desantis comes out with a plan to raise taxes, cozies up the gay lobby (as maga has), etc, wants to ban AR15s ala Trump, I'd be done with him in a second. I see no such conviction on the Trump train.
All of your friends hate you. I’m sorry.


SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
Hah, hardly. I point out the hypocristy of the maga cult. Desantis is their - and his - target. We get posts suggesting Trump is 30 or 40 points ahead, Desantis is finished, yet Trump and his social media team only stop posting about RD when he has to stop to address the latest charges. Where else are we supposed to look in politics but where are all the guns are aimed? Aimed at Trump, Biden, and undeniably Desantis. I don't believe we (Americans who want freedom) can still win this fight, but if there's a fight to be made, Trump isn't the one leading it.

To this point, Desantis is the highest ranking leader to stand up to the corp esg attempted takeover, claims to have a plan to clean most of the gov out of DC, he's staunch against abortion, and been at the forefront of stopping trans nonsense. Don Maga rarely addresses any of it, other than to criticize Desantis. Consider the Bud Lite fiasco. All of the boycott Bud Lite memes and posts ITT. The Trumps come along and white-knight for them. The Maga crowd doesn't blink. Trump is held to no standard at all. As Trump himself said, he could murder someone and it wouldn't matter to his supporters. Is that not Jim Jones-esque? OTOH, if Desantis comes out with a plan to raise taxes, cozies up the gay lobby (as maga has), etc, wants to ban AR15s ala Trump, I'd be done with him in a second. I see no such conviction on the Trump train.
Stupid nigga

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
Then they are a publisher and should be held accordingly. Google Suppressing information may be legal but proves they direct a narrative. Either a publisher or a platform. Controlling the info you allow makes them a publisher. There are different set of laws for each. Now Google can be held accountable for what they publish
It's only "legal" because of this BS part of the law.

(2)Civil liabilityNo provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be held liable on account of—
any action voluntarily taken in good faith to restrict access to or availability of material that the provider or user considers to be obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected; or

The "or otherwise objectionable" needs to go, and platforms should be required to allow any speech that is Constitutionally protected.

The way it stands now, they get the best of both Worlds and use that power to silence political speech they do not like, but the law was written like it was to allow them a way to police material of a sexual and/or graphicly violent nature and that of stalking. Hence the wording. Ie: obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing.

Adding the part, "or otherwise objectionable" is too open ended and allows for almost anything to be edited and censored just because someone somewhere finds it objectionable. At that point they could censor anything if they just say they did so "in good faith".


Dec 10, 2020


Dec 1, 2020


Jan 12, 2021


Dec 1, 2020

Ruby Freeman's 911 call, Body cam, and Police Report from Christmas Day, 2022​

report from Christmas Day, 2022. I thought it was timely with the happenings in Fulton County

"Newly uncovered police body cam footage of Ruby Freeman reveals her stunning admissions that directly contradict allegations made under oath by January 6th Committee witnesses, by certain reporters and show hosts, by members of Congress, and by lawyers in sworn statements to Federal Court. Freeman volunteers to blow the whistle on election fraud.

In the body cam, Ruby Freeman alleges a coverup by the Georgia Secretary of State, the DOJ/FBI, the GBI, and the Fulton County DA.

911 call transcripts, body cam videos, and police reports were obtained by Open Record Requests. From that information, investigators have learned that the police report was supplemented in contradiction of the facts.

Ruby Freeman’s lawyer since January 2021 is Michael Gottlieb who also was lawyer and fixer for Hunter Biden and Aaron Rich, brother to Seth Rich."

- Georgia Record


Jan 8, 2021
Trump advanced federal spending to record levels. He gave the Dems universal basic income, student debt cancellation, and an eviction moratorium. A pillar of his 2024 platform is the creation of 15 minute cities. And you have the gall to call other candidates "establishment?"

Some of you do not have a clue what is going on, you never will. You think if we go back to the 80s or the 90s things will be NORMAL. The current financial system has to and will collapse. Evil maintains control through central banks and fractional banking. One way or another it is all coming down and it will be either the good guys or the bad guys in control. I have no issue with what Trump did as it was going to happen one way or another. Anything to throw a wrench in theit timeline


Mar 24, 2023
For those who think it’s an absurd conspiracy theory that out government will set ablaze its citizens to further their agenda let me remind you of something;

They forced the population to take an experimental jab that causes cardiac failure in order to keep your job and to travel

They murdered 3000 innocent people on September 11 to introduce the Patriot Act and secure the petrodollar

They murdered 76 in WACO (80 totally including law enforcement) including women and children when the entire investigation was beyond the scope of the ATF

168 Americans were murdered at OKC Bombing to cover up investigations into the Clinton Foundation

Pearl Harbor was ALLOWED to happen to give the American government reason to go into the War to further the Military Industrial Complex

58 killed in Las Vegas shooting simply to extract a Saudi Prince

And millions of Americans who died in wars created from False Flags and pushed by the media for a political agenda

Still a conspiracy?


Jan 15, 2021
Hah, hardly. I point out the hypocristy of the maga cult. Desantis is their - and his - target. We get posts suggesting Trump is 30 or 40 points ahead, Desantis is finished, yet Trump and his social media team only stop posting about RD when he has to stop to address the latest charges. Where else are we supposed to look in politics but where are all the guns are aimed? Aimed at Trump, Biden, and undeniably Desantis. I don't believe we (Americans who want freedom) can still win this fight, but if there's a fight to be made, Trump isn't the one leading it.

To this point, Desantis is the highest ranking leader to stand up to the corp esg attempted takeover, claims to have a plan to clean most of the gov out of DC, he's staunch against abortion, and been at the forefront of stopping trans nonsense. Don Maga rarely addresses any of it, other than to criticize Desantis. Consider the Bud Lite fiasco. All of the boycott Bud Lite memes and posts ITT. The Trumps come along and white-knight for them. The Maga crowd doesn't blink. Trump is held to no standard at all. As Trump himself said, he could murder someone and it wouldn't matter to his supporters. Is that not Jim Jones-esque? OTOH, if Desantis comes out with a plan to raise taxes, cozies up the gay lobby (as maga has), etc, wants to ban AR15s ala Trump, I'd be done with him in a second. I see no such conviction on the Trump train.
Little Ron fucked up and took that
Globalist money.

The stank won’t go away. People will remember.

He had such a bright future. Now he’s toast.

You are a dickhead with no redeemable qualities
and you are predictable and boring.

Please go away like Little Rob.


Jan 15, 2021
For those who think it’s an absurd conspiracy theory that out government will set ablaze its citizens to further their agenda let me remind you of something;

They forced the population to take an experimental jab that causes cardiac failure in order to keep your job and to travel

They murdered 3000 innocent people on September 11 to introduce the Patriot Act and secure the petrodollar

They murdered 76 in WACO (80 totally including law enforcement) including women and children when the entire investigation was beyond the scope of the ATF

168 Americans were murdered at OKC Bombing to cover up investigations into the Clinton Foundation

Pearl Harbor was ALLOWED to happen to give the American government reason to go into the War to further the Military Industrial Complex

58 killed in Las Vegas shooting simply to extract a Saudi Prince

And millions of Americans who died in wars created from False Flags and pushed by the media for a political agenda

Still a conspiracy?

As a Pureblood I salute you.

ETA: They burned up Maui to get
that indigenous land.

Book it.


Mar 24, 2023
same MO as in Minneapolis... burn down prime locations in fake Antifa riots and banks step up to purchase land for pennies on the dollar!

So the Maui wildfires are now right up in the ranks of the deadliest fires in US history. Guess what the cause is?

Come on.... Just take a guess!!


"Scientists predict that the conditions that lead to massive, deadly wildfires like those in Maui will become more common as climate change worsens"

NOW... With that said, listen to THIS👇🏽local tell what he saw. His name is Fish and he's a local in Lahaina which was the worst hit.

👉🏽Police blocked people from evacuating Lahaina?😡

Locals are saying this appeared intentional and authorities acted in ways that did not make any sense to anyone that witnessed it. Also, there are reports of people found dead in their cars. After you watch this you will see why that's important.

I'd say take anything the MSM says with a grain of salt and wait and see what ACTUALLY caused this. Usually takes a month or 2 after the official BULLSHIT is reported before they sneak the real cause in when nobody is looking.

Locals are saying this is a "land grab" and NOT a natural disaster.

Worth looking into...



Jan 15, 2021
same MO as in Minneapolis... burn down prime locations in fake Antifa riots and banks step up to purchase land for pennies on the dollar!

So the Maui wildfires are now right up in the ranks of the deadliest fires in US history. Guess what the cause is?

Come on.... Just take a guess!!


"Scientists predict that the conditions that lead to massive, deadly wildfires like those in Maui will become more common as climate change worsens"

NOW... With that said, listen to THIS👇🏽local tell what he saw. His name is Fish and he's a local in Lahaina which was the worst hit.

👉🏽Police blocked people from evacuating Lahaina?😡

Locals are saying this appeared intentional and authorities acted in ways that did not make any sense to anyone that witnessed it. Also, there are reports of people found dead in their cars. After you watch this you will see why that's important.

I'd say take anything the MSM says with a grain of salt and wait and see what ACTUALLY caused this. Usually takes a month or 2 after the official BULLSHIT is reported before they sneak the real cause in when nobody is looking.

Locals are saying this is a "land grab" and NOT a natural disaster.

Worth looking into...

Deep State Direct Energy beams.

Where the plaintiffs fuck up is muddling around for
months doing interviews.

File suit today with an aggressive lawyer
and make waves. Get on cable news and
stay there.

same MO as in Minneapolis... burn down prime locations in fake Antifa riots and banks step up to purchase land for pennies on the dollar!

So the Maui wildfires are now right up in the ranks of the deadliest fires in US history. Guess what the cause is?

Come on.... Just take a guess!!


"Scientists predict that the conditions that lead to massive, deadly wildfires like those in Maui will become more common as climate change worsens"

NOW... With that said, listen to THIS👇🏽local tell what he saw. His name is Fish and he's a local in Lahaina which was the worst hit.

👉🏽Police blocked people from evacuating Lahaina?😡

Locals are saying this appeared intentional and authorities acted in ways that did not make any sense to anyone that witnessed it. Also, there are reports of people found dead in their cars. After you watch this you will see why that's important.

I'd say take anything the MSM says with a grain of salt and wait and see what ACTUALLY caused this. Usually takes a month or 2 after the official BULLSHIT is reported before they sneak the real cause in when nobody is looking.

Locals are saying this is a "land grab" and NOT a natural disaster.

Worth looking into...

Direct Energy Beams. Indigenous land grab. 15 minute Cities.

The Plaintiffs fuck up by not filing suit within hours.

The Govt. already filed the land grab.

Get on top of that shit and press it.
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