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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Jul 1, 2023
And this is what we should be focusing on but some want an internal civil war instead of fighting the real enemy.
The real enemy is China & Russia.

The only people I’ve ever heard sincerely speak of civil war in America are Trump supporters / far right wing radicals.


Jan 9, 2021

So silly to think that the FBI won’t investigate and prosecute ballot stuffing by the conservatives.

Silly to think that the communists aren’t ready to capitalize on actual crimes instead of the banana court crap.

Even more silly to think those votes will actually be counted in a legit way. They probably counted every mail in vote for Biden in 2020.



Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021


Dec 10, 2020
Once I heard the US and others wanted to intervene in Niger, my first thought was how they re going to make themselves money and power out of it. Well, here is is apparently.
You look at natural resources on wikipedia and this comes up for Niger. Uranium, Oil and gold seem like the kind of thing to kill people over historically.

Natural resources[edit]​

Main article: Mining in Niger
Niger possesses the following natural resources:



Jan 8, 2021
Complete lack of awareness. If he got behind Trump and denounced these indictments, he would have much ore support. Those fringe types that want a good choice beside Trump are just waiting for one of these people to grow some balls. If they don't, they can't beat Trump.

Trump's a disaster, why would RD "get behind him"? "Yeah, I'm going all in on the guy who posts on social media like a 10 year old throwing a tantrum, and accused my wife of faking cancer." The lack of awareness is all on Don Maga. He should be begging Desantis for support, instead of attacking him 24/7 for the last 8 months. RD denounced the politicization and lawfare, but since he doesn't bow in obeisance like the Trumpers demand, it's not enough, would never be enough.

Say Trump does win the nomination. When he's in jail and a bunch of secretaries of state (Arizona, Wisconsin, PA, etc) unilaterally boot him off the ballot a year from now, what then? Think the courts will save him? Various SOSs did whatever they wanted in 2020, and no one lifted a finger. Trump's only hope is someone like Desantis wins and does what he promised to do, clean the place out (a promise Don Maga walked back 2 weeks after winning in 2016, "she's suffered enough"). Apart from real civil war in the next year or two, that's the only chance Maga has of not dying in prison (unless you have faith in John Roberts, and believe that the states and fed gov't will still respect a SCOTUS decision, or unless Trump cuts a deal to never run for office again).

The rest of the GOP and their constituents are never getting behind Trump again. I support him in that yes, these are absurd charges, but I'll never support him at the ballot box or with donations again. He had that opportunity, had the party united behind him, and he frittered it away, deciding instead to praise Hillary Clinton, draining nothing, letting Kim Kardashian's cause celebre crushes out of jail.

This isn't 2020 any longer. Trump no longer has 90%+ of the party behind him, and he never will again. He pissed away the greatest opportunity any patriot will ever have to right the sinking ship of America. And he has no one to blame but himself. He went into 2016 claiming to bring war to the deep state, and he tried to make peace with them, instead. He was trying to make deals like he was working NYC real estate, while the globalist elites were playing for blood. This clown isn't leading anybody anywhere, except to destruction.
Jul 1, 2023
Trump's a disaster, why would RD "get behind him"? "Yeah, I'm going all in on the guy who posts on social media like a 10 year old throwing a tantrum, and accused my wife of faking cancer." The lack of awareness is all on Don Maga. He should be begging Desantis for support, instead of attacking him 24/7 for the last 8 months. RD denounced the politicization and lawfare, but since he doesn't bow in obeisance like the Trumpers demand, it's not enough, would never be enough.

Say Trump does win the nomination. When he's in jail and a bunch of secretaries of state (Arizona, Wisconsin, PA, etc) unilaterally boot him off the ballot a year from now, what then? Think the courts will save him? Various SOSs did whatever they wanted in 2020, and no one lifted a finger. Trump's only hope is someone like Desantis wins and does what he promised to do, clean the place out (a promise Don Maga walked back 2 weeks after winning in 2016, "she's suffered enough"). Apart from real civil war in the next year or two, that's the only chance Maga has of not dying in prison (unless you have faith in John Roberts, and believe that the states and fed gov't will still respect a SCOTUS decision, or unless Trump cuts a deal to never run for office again).

The rest of the GOP and their constituents are never getting behind Trump again. I support him in that yes, these are absurd charges, but I'll never support him at the ballot box or with donations again. He had that opportunity, had the party united behind him, and he frittered it away, deciding instead to praise Hillary Clinton, draining nothing, letting Kim Kardashian's cause celebre crushes out of jail.

This isn't 2020 any longer. Trump no longer has 90%+ of the party behind him, and he never will again. He pissed away the greatest opportunity any patriot will ever have to right the sinking ship of America. And he has no one to blame but himself. He went into 2016 claiming to bring war to the deep state, and he tried to make peace with them, instead. He was trying to make deals like he was working NYC real estate, while the globalist elites were playing for blood. This clown isn't leading anybody anywhere, except to destruction.
🤣 “Sinking ship” 😂

Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
False. Google doesn’t have any responsibility to share particular content through its searches, beyond what it agrees to contractually, since they are a private company.
Then they are a publisher and should be held accordingly. Google Suppressing information may be legal but proves they direct a narrative. Either a publisher or a platform. Controlling the info you allow makes them a publisher. There are different set of laws for each. Now Google can be held accountable for what they publish

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